Project Management

Is Your Web Site a Digital File Cabinet?

The end of the fiscal year is drawing near and it is also to good time to begin a review of your web content to ensure it is still engaging for your target audience. Over the years, the technology industry developed more diverse online tools to help create interactive web content. However, good web contentRead… Read more »

2014 Performance Support Symposium Retrospective

The eLearning Guild’s Performance Support Symposium offers you the opportunity to explore proven organizational strategies for reducing training time while increasing focus on delivering performance support directly into workflows as it is needed. Learn how to identify an appropriate balance between performance support and training, and discover how to create and implement a plan thatRead… Read more »

How Much Would You Tip the Government?

Pollution. Poverty. Health. Infrastructure. These are just a few of the extraordinary challenges government face today. With increased citizens demands, coupled with decreased public resources, government is often placed in a very difficult position to adequately meet the needs of its diverse array of citizens. Throw Congressional gridlock into the mix and you have aRead… Read more »

Gold Plating vs. Value Engineering

By Anna Hartley, PMP, CFCM, ICCM-F level 2 You manage or are part of a project and decide to add additional features or functionality to the product or service you provide. You think it will please the customer and make the team look good. But what if it slows the project, adds costs or isn’tRead… Read more »

Climbing Out of the Rabbit Hole

I rejoined the Federal government in 2010 after a 10-year hiatus where I explored opportunities in the private sector. I was lured back into the federal fold by the promise of working on an amazing (and amazingly difficult) project. For the last four years I’ve been working with economists, lawyers, computer scientists, and engineers toRead… Read more »

Clean Water: Taking Our Most Vital Resource from Scarcity to Millions

A coffee, a run, meditation…. We all need one thing to get our brains working early in the morning. For me, it’s a long, scalding hot shower. But as a native of California, which is experiencing one of the most severe droughts in the state’s history, my long morning shower is a thing of theRead… Read more »

Lightweight Project Management Made Easy

As we have grown and scaled one of the biggest challenges we have faced is ensuring that we maintain the type of collaborative environment we had when everyone sat in the same small office in Arlington, Virginia. Now with team members, partners and clients spread across time zones and the world we have had toRead… Read more »

Jeff Neal Urges Organizations to Update Their Outlook on Senior Executive Service

‘You can’t step into the same river twice.’ Unfortunately, the federal government likes to step in the same river as many times as it can. But some industry leaders are demanding a federal reform in order to keep pace with the changing demographics of government. Jeff Neal, Senior Vice President at ICF International, spoke withRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER LIVE: Combing through Cloud Computing

A special edition of GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER today. We’re LIVE! We meet every month with the simple idea, get smart people together and share ideas because we believe that the real power of information comes when it is shared. LISTEN TO THE ARCHIVE When does a technology fad become real? It usually starts with buzzwords likeRead… Read more »