Project Management

Accelerating State Financial Transparency – 11 Steps To Take Right Now

We know that government is slow to adopt new technologies and change. But the technologies now exist to provide you as a constituent or as a state leader with the ability to see where state dollars are being spent and what results are being achieved virtually in real-time. It is now only a question ofRead… Read more »

Know the Difference between a Planning Package and a Work Package

Many Project Management Professional (PMP)® students have trouble understanding the difference between a planning package and a work package. Let’s turn first to A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) to clear up any confusion: Planning Package = A work breakdown structure component below the control account with known work contentRead… Read more »

Houston, We Don’t Have A Problem: Space Made Safe

More than a half million pieces of space debris are orbiting the earth, at speeds up to 17,500 miles per hour. Clearly this debris is a safety concern for astronauts aboard the International Space Station, but it also threatens to damage or destroy spacecraft and critical military, intelligence, communications, weather and navigation satellites. Richard RastRead… Read more »

Lean Scope Project Management: Project Management for Highly-Innovative Projects

I will present my Lean Scope Project Management methodology on Wednesday to the Project Management Institute’s Government Community of Practice. On Thursday, I will release a YouTube video explaining Lean Scope Project Management. I look forward to the comments of project management practitioners and human-centered design practitioners. The origin story of Lean Scope Project ManagementRead… Read more »

More than 90% of Gov IT Projects Fail – Eeek!

We don’t have to tell you about the challenges facing public sector IT – and was just one of the more visible procurement hurdles. The Public Spend Forum has published a study, “Billions in the Balance: Removing Barriers to Competition and Driving Innovation in Public Sector IT Markets,” – and the survey found thatRead… Read more »

Why You Need To Practice With A PMP Exam Simulator

You have studied the PMBOK® Guide; you have read numerous additional study materials; you believe you have a good handle on project management theories and the application of those theories; and you feel as if you might be are ready take the Project Management Professional (PMP)® exam. There is just one thing that keeps lingeringRead… Read more »

The Secret to Success? Collaboration

When you read about getting ahead in life, many times you’ll hear people discussing cutthroat options, ruthlessness, or other ways of dealing with the competition. But we really think that it’s actually collaboration that’s the key to success. Oftentimes, being a member of a collaborative group pushes members to excel, and make them feel likeRead… Read more »

Requirements Development is Key to Successful Software Development Acquisition

By Tom Colangelo Anyone who keeps up with national news is aware of a recent problematic major website deployment. Media pundits were quick to blame leadership problems. A noted information technology pundit pointed to acquisition and contracting failures and the governments’ inability to “hire” talented contractors. An Inspector General review will undoubtedly identify both functionalRead… Read more »

The Challenges State Leaders Face in Delivering True Fiscal Transparency

Most states have decided to list their expenses so their citizens can see where tax dollars are being spent. Listing the thousand, or millions, of individual transactions is good in theory, but these endless lists of expenditures fall dramatically short in providing the kind of transparency people yearn for as government continues to expand. GoodRead… Read more »

Another One Bites the Dust? Cybersecurity Done Right on DorobekINSIDER Live

A special edition of GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER was held Wednesday. We’re LIVE! We host these events once each month this year. The idea is simple: get smart people together and share ideas — because we believe that the real power of information comes when it is shared. Let’s get one thing straight, your data is atRead… Read more »