Project Management

Creating resilience with public/private partnerships—and planning

Creating resilience with public/private partnerships—and planning By Chuck Brooks * Please also see link at bottom of article for my presentation at MIT Innovations Forum in Moscow on global cybersecurity. Thanks @ChuckDBrooks Public/private partnerships are critical to the success of government operations that provide essential services and benefits. Such partnerships can help agencies reduceRead… Read more »

The 4 Secret Ingredients to Passing the PMP Exam

The Project Management Professional PMP exam is developed and administered by the Project Management Institute (PMI) to measure and assess an individual’s ability to apply project management skills in six different domains. Initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, closing the project, as well as professional and social responsibility are evaluated. Don’t be intimidated! While theRead… Read more »

Overcoming Barriers to Operational Change

Beyond natural human resistance there are three huge barriers to improvement in our organizations. Recognizing these barriers and knowing some ways to overcome them makes operational improvement much simpler and effective. Leadership turnover can be the first item that is detrimental to positive operational change. Leadership turnover can be seen as an opportunity to derailRead… Read more »

All Politics Are Local, Does That Apply To Email Too? – Plus Your Weekend Reads!

The phrase, “All politics is local” is a common phrase in politics, coined by former Speaker of the U.S. House Tip O’Neill. The message is simple, a politician’s success is directly tied to his ability to understand and influence the issues of his constituents. The same is true for email. You have to target yourRead… Read more »

Design Dilemma, Why Mapping the Future Matters

Every summer, my family would load into our minivan and journey more than 21 hours to my grandparents house in Denver, Colorado. As you can imagine, 21 hours in car with four younger brothers is a nightmare. The only way I was able to distract myself, was to track our progress on the massive nation-wideRead… Read more »

John Mahoney Talks About The Importance of Career Insurance for Feds on Mike Causey’s FederalNewsRadio Show

John Mahoney, chairman of the labor and employment practice group at the law firm Tully Rinckey PLLC, sat down with Federal News Radio’s Mike Causey to discuss professional liability insurance. –

Snowden Effect on Government and Contractors – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Do you ever feel like your boss is playing favorites? We all can fall into the trap of thinking our boss prefers our co-workers at one time or another, or that our bosses hate us. It is everyone, right? Not just me? Ok, good. I was worried for a second there.Read… Read more »

RationalPlan Project Management Software Version 4.7 Is Publicly Available

Stand By Soft is pleased to announce the release of RationalPlan version 4.7. Current version comes with many changes both on the core side and on the clients side: faster execution, improved reporting, better integration with the underlying operating system, improved critical path management and much more. RationalPlan is a project management software that startedRead… Read more »

100 people who made a difference in government IT – Plus 7 gov stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: If you ask 20 people to define open government, you will get 20 different responses. The lack of uniformed definitions makes implementing open government services very difficult. It would be like asking a pastry chef to bake a cherry pie and then providing 20 different recipes. The chef would have noRead… Read more »