Project Management

Moving On Up: 5 Tips On How To Survive (And Thrive) During an Office Move

Your boxes are packed; you’re ready to go, right? Unfortunately, moving office spaces is not as simple as packing up your favorite pen and timing a new commute. Even in the age of the cloud, telework and BYOD, transferring the operations of your agency into a new space can be a difficult process. Recently, GovLoopRead… Read more »

Prosecutors Investigate US Navy Contractor – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: There is a major disconnect that exists right now about the use, state and function of the information highway. Many leading internet policy experts simply don’t understand how the internet works on a physical level. They don’t know how the networks connect, worse yet, they don’t seem to care. Check outRead… Read more »

Obama wants to ‘blow up’ tech purchasing – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Why should anyone care where the internet comes from? You log on to your computer daily, hourly, minutely. But do you know where the information is streaming from? Or how it works? Do you even care? Insights on why you should, in part two of our interview with Andrew Blum. ButRead… Read more »

38% of Government Professionals Are Using Open Source: Are You?

In our recent GovLoop survey we found that 38% of government professionals are using open source software at their agencies at a basic level. What benefits has leveraging open source brought these agencies? And what’s standing in the way of agencies taking their open source strategy to the next level? We asked these questions andRead… Read more »

Why Can’t the Pentagon Pass an Audit? Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Ever wonder where your Internet comes from or where it goes when it leaves your living room? After a squirrel took a bite out of his home internet cable, Journalist Andrew Blum decided to go on a mission to find where the internet is located. Seriously. His goal was to findRead… Read more »

Is an Obama administration shake-up coming? Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Federal employee job satisfaction plummeted again this year to the lowest levels since OPM began surveying morale in 2002. So, what can be done to buck the trend next year? We get three insights from Tom Fox at the Partnership for Public Service. But up front: National Journal: An Obama administrationRead… Read more »

Satisfaction Slows for Gov Employees – 3 Reasons Why

Federal pay, sequestration and uncertain agency funding have weakened federal-employee satisfaction, according to the Office of Personnel Management’s Federal Employee Viewpoint survey. For the second year in a row, overall employee satisfaction scores fell, dipping below 60 percent this year, reports Federal News Radio. A sharp drop in employees’ satisfaction with their pay, down 5Read… Read more »

Oracle’s Latest Move Is BIG

Following the procurement and acquisition cycles of leading companies can be a daunting process, yet it is often the best way to predict which technologies will become essential in the years to come. An important example of an acquisition with this kind of significance is Oracle’s recent purchase of Big Machines, a cloud-based platform. AtRead… Read more »

How mapmakers are saving lives in the Phillippines – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: What happens when major projects fail? How do you rebound? Keep your team motivated? Insights from the Partnership for Public Service. But up front: The Atlantic: How Online Mapmakers Are Helping the Red Cross Save Lives in the Philippines Roll Call oped: David Hawkings: Budgetary Tunnel Vision: No Early Light atRead… Read more »

Public Cloud For The Public Sector

Within cloud computing, services can be offered privately by a service provider or publicly when applications and storage are available to the general public over the internet. Both models have their own advantages in cost and efficiency. Public clouds are often the most budget-conscious platform through their unique cost-sharing capabilities. The public cloud is justRead… Read more »