Project Management

Back from the Brink, Feds settle in – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: After 16 long days, the government is back to work. Hundreds of thousands of workers returned to their office after three weeks of confusion and worry. However just because government is open for business it doesn’t mean things are back to normal. We get insights from Jeff Neal. But up front:Read… Read more »

Budget, Blather, Repeat – You’re back at work, now what?

After 16 long days, the government is back to work. Hundreds of thousands of workers returned to their office after three weeks of confusion and worry. However just because government is open for business it doesn’t mean things are back to normal. Jeff Neal is the Senior Vice President with ICF International. He told ChrisRead… Read more »

Cloudy With A Chance of Innovation: The Forecast For Government

“It is no longer a question of if to do the cloud. The decision has been made. Now it’s a question of how to use cloud effectively.” – Kevin Jackson, Vice President and General Manager, NJVC In the past 10 years, we have seen government agencies transformed by previously unimaginable technologies, such as mobile, GIS,Read… Read more »

Governance: Strategies to think about

Governance has always been sort of a hot button issue. Now more than ever organizations are really trying to figure out how to get the right mix of governance that enables them to have repeatable processes to understand what’s working, what’s not, and drive repeatable performance. I’ve always believed that good governance starts with anRead… Read more »

#GovShutdown – Day 15, Senate makes progress – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: We’ll say it as many times as it takes: “You Are Essential!” Every federal employee is essential. But the “You Are Essential” mantra doesn’t change the fact that some people were required to work during the shutdown, while some were furloughed. That situation could mean some awkwardness when the government reopens.Read… Read more »

Essentially Non-Essential – How to deal with the monikers when gov reopens

We’ll say it as many times as it takes: “You Are Essential!” Yes, you heard us. Every federal employee is essential. That’s why GovLoop launched the You Are Essential campaign. (To join in and get some sweet swag click here.) But the “You Are Essential” mantra doesn’t change the fact that some people were requiredRead… Read more »

Shutdown + Debt Ceiling = Trouble – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: We are now on day 14 of the government shutdown and for furloughed feds the financial impact is really starting to sink in. There is still no clear answer on whether or not feds who are furloughed will receive back pay. So for now, furloughed feds have to brace for theRead… Read more »

The Power of a Performance Requirements Summary for Acquisition Success

GovLoop and Integrity Management Consulting are proud to present a 12-part series called “Conscientious Contracting: A Thoughtful Approach to Acquisition and Program Management,” that aims to address common challenges and achieve new efficiencies in government procurement. In our resource guide titled, “Addressing the Complex Challenges Facing Today’s Acquisition Professional,” one of the critical success factorsRead… Read more »

How does the game theory apply to the shutdown?

“Some portray it as a Manichean struggle between good and evil. Warren Buffett says it’s “extreme idiocy.” I’d like to recommend another way of looking at the government shutdown and the looming battle over the debt ceiling in Washington. It’s a game, played by flawed-but-not-crazy human beings under confusing circumstances. In other words, it’s anRead… Read more »

#GovShutdown Reader – Day 10: Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Something’s gotta give. A new survey finds federal CFOs and their staffs have only enough time, money and know-how to do the basics around financial management. Ouch. So what can they do to ease their burden? Insights from Grant Thorton. GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER #GovShutdown Reader – Day 10: The Washington Post: HowRead… Read more »