Project Management

Profile of government excellence – Helps us remember the importance of gov

One of the only ways to get through the horribleness that is the government shutdown is to remember all the good work that federal employees do on a daily basis. Tomorrow night is the annual Service to America Medals gala. The Oscars for career federal employees. Dr. Paul Jablonski is a metallurgist with the DepartmentRead… Read more »

Shutdown Day One – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: It happened. The federal government shutdown. But in all the coverage of the political debacle, the Senator Ted Cruz filibuster, the Obamacare riders, one thing seems to be overshadowed, the federal employees themselves. More than a third of the government workforce was told to go home because their work wasn’t deemedRead… Read more »

Look at what the gov can do when it’s not shutdown

It happened. The federal government shutdown. But in all the coverage of the political debacle, the Senator Ted Cruz filibuster, the Obamacare riders, one thing seems to be overshadowed, the federal employees themselves. More than a third, or 800,000, federal employees have been furloughed as of today. More than a third of the government workforceRead… Read more »

Hours Until Shutdown, What You Need to Know – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: It has been 17 years since the federal government last faced a partial shutdown. Every shutdown is different. The politics that cause them are different. But there are lessons to be learned from past shutdowns. We get insights from three former OPM directors. Your Shutdown Reader: GovLoop: When Will the GovRead… Read more »

Perspectives from the past – Former OPM directors weigh in on the shutdown

It has been 17 years since the federal government last faced a partial shutdown. 9/11 changed the government, leaving federal employees, citizens and even government decision-makers confused about what a shutdown would mean. Every shutdown is different. The politics that cause them are different. Because of technology and structural overhauls, the way the government functionsRead… Read more »

Tell us why your job matters: Why shouldn’t the gov shutdown?

Government shutdown — it has taken up days and weeks of energy, time and money. And just about everybody thinks it makes no sense — and it is no way to run any organization, let alone the government. But beyond that, most observers believe there are scores of ripple effects. GovLoop’s Steve Ressler was quotedRead… Read more »

Government Saves Time, Money, and Resources with Improved Help Desk Software

The city of San Mateo, California is witnessing booming growth in both its population and infrastructure development. Since the year 2008, San Mateo has experienced an 8% increase in population, and home sales have jumped a staggering 28%. Consequently, the municipal government of San Mateo is faced with the enormous task of managing and overseeingRead… Read more »

Shutdown Countdown 5 Days – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The government will run out of money on Monday causing a government shutdown for the first time in 18 years. There are lots of ideas but no consensus about how to keep doors open on federal agencies. We look at the options with budget guru Stan Collender. GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER shutdown readerRead… Read more »

Why is gov on the brink of another shutdown? Congress? 6 reasons why

The government will run out of money on Monday causing a government shutdown for the first time in 18 years. There are lots of ideas but no consensus about how to keep doors open on federal agencies. Yesterday the House passed a temporary funding bill last week that would keep federal agencies, including the DefenseRead… Read more »