Project Management

Here we go again…Shutdown talks begin – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The concept of shared services has been around for decades. But now with tight budgets shared services are finally starting to get some traction. We get insights from IBM’s Dan Chenok. But up front: Shutdown showdown, part… oh, we’ve lost count. Washington is again lurching toward a fiscal crisis… yes, again.Read… Read more »

3 Questions to ask before you make a big decision

Oftentimes l will have somebody come into my office and sketch something out pretty quickly and then look for a decision on the spot. Now if you don’t make the decision quickly you’re holding up progress but there’s always the risk that by making the decisions without the right information, you leave yourself open toRead… Read more »

How Telework Could Be Saving You Billions

“I feel like I’ve been having the same conversation about telework since the Lincoln Administration.” –Chris Dorobek, Founder, Producer, Editor, GovLoop Insights and DorobekINSIDER. Let’s change the conversation on telework. While the workplace and technology are changing, we still seem to be discussing the same costs and benefits of telework. On the DorobekINSIDER Live broadcastRead… Read more »

What Elements of BBP 2.0 are Important to IT Programs and Why?

By Tom Kuhn, PhD, Fellow As we move further into an unprecedented era of tighter budgets and post war downsizing, it makes sense to implement Better Buying Power 2.0, the directive published by Frank Kendall, Undersecretary for Acquisition at the Department of Defense (DoD), in April 2013. Bottom line – if you are a programRead… Read more »

The Navy Yard assessment begins – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Some of the most innovative ideas in government aren’t coming from the C-Suite, but from university students. Each year Governing Magazine hosts a competition for university students looking to change the way government works. We look at the winning projects. But up front: The Navy Yard shooting Chris Dorobek writes: TheRead… Read more »

Government of the Future – How Competitions Create Innovation

Some of the most innovative ideas in government aren’t coming from the C-Suite, but from university students. Each year Governing Magazine hosts a competition for university students looking to change the way government works. It’s called thePublic Policy Challenge and it’s goal is to think through the entire process of an idea, from concept toRead… Read more »

Terror at the Navy Yard – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: What metrics define a successful procurement? Is it the time it takes to go from an RFP to a new contract? Is it the number of disputes on a particular contract? The metrics around procurement are murky at best. But the National Association of State Chief Information Officers is trying toRead… Read more »

Designing Dashboards: Important questions everyone should be asking

I was talking to a client the other day about the particular dashboard we were putting together for them. We had a few different people in the room and we were discussing: What should go on it What should be left off What sort of decisions it will help support How often would different peopleRead… Read more »

Genius Consultants–Yes or No?

A lot of people think that the McKinsey’s of this world are the business geniuses. You hire McKinsey, Bain, or The Boston Consulting Group when you need to address big organizational problems–frequently those that involve broad reorganizations, massive cutbacks, reformulation of strategy, and culture makeovers. According to Bloomberg Businessweek in a book review of TheRead… Read more »

Rules for a Happy Acquisition Marriage: Program and Contracting People Working in Harmony

GovLoop and Integrity Management Consulting are proud to present a 12-part series called “Conscientious Contracting: A Thoughtful Approach to Acquisition and Program Management,” that aims to address common challenges and achieve new efficiencies in government procurement. My wife and I just celebrated our ninth wedding anniversary. As I look back over the past decade, itRead… Read more »