Social Media

The Venn Diagram of Social Media: 3 Elements to Keep in Mind

Are you thinking about incorporating social media into your communications strategy? Already have it and are wondering if you’re getting enough return on that investment? Social media is a great way to reach a wide range of people or a niche audience. However, it also requires a strategic approach. It’s not enough to simply be… Read more »

Twitter Chat 101: Hosting as a Government Agency

Twitter chats certainly aren’t the newest concept, but their popularity has been steadily growing over the past few years. As their popularity grows, companies, organizations and now government agencies are beginning to get in on the fun. But to run your own Twitter chat, you have to know how. And while there is a plethora… Read more »

Gov Masters of Social Media Storytelling

During the Second Annual State and Local Government Innovators Virtual Summit, keynote speaker Akash Karia delivered a thought-provoking presentation on how to improve your communication skills to be as effectively as a TED talk presenter. Karia identified storytelling as the key for government agencies, and any public entity, to better deliver their agency’s messages andRead… Read more »

Beyond Facebook and Twitter – How Government Organizations Leverage Other Social Platforms Effectively

As detailed in the recent announcement from Center for The Business of Government Executive Director, Dan Chenok, I am happy to be starting my work with the Center as Innovation and Social Media Fellow.  I plan to explore innovation, social media, and the intersection of the two as government’s look to better achieve their missions andRead… Read more »

Turning Mobile Phones Into Citizen Engagement Portals

This interview is an excerpt from our recent guide, Top Challenges & Solutions From State and Local Governments, which examines 16 case study examples transforming the way government safeguards information and technology. Teens and young adults are often accused of being addicted to their phones, but they are not alone: 90 percent of Americans own aRead… Read more »

5 Website Best Practices from the 2015 Center for Digital Government Award Winners

If you’ve ever worked on a website project, you know one of the first questions a designer asks is: What are your favorite websites? But, it’s not always easy to come up with a list of the best websites. Great websites have to be memorable, modern, unique, and free of frustrating glitches—no small feat for mostRead… Read more »

Feds All Over Social Media: A Final Roundup and Takeaways

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been talking about how federal agencies use social media platforms, and more specifically, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. There are a ton of other sites out there that speak to various groups of people or have particular uses. Because it’s important for government to reach its audience in theRead… Read more »