Social Media

Awesome Fed Channels on YouTube

Back in March 2009, GSA signed an agreement with YouTube which would allow government agencies to post content to this site in compliance with federal terms and conditions. By 2012, every major federal agency had a YouTube channel, and some were even featuring content specifically created for the platform. Compared to the other platforms I’veRead… Read more »

Key Takeaways from the (Few) Feds on Instagram

There are far fewer agencies or departments on Instagram than on Facebook or Twitter. And that’s relatively logical if you consider that it is the far more visual platform of the three I’ve looked at so far. But what I love about Instagram is that you don’t have to have amazing pictures (like NASA orRead… Read more »

10 of the Funniest Yelp Reviews of Government

If you somehow haven’t heard of Yelp, it’s a website and app where anyone can review just about anything. People mostly seem to head to Yelp when they’re busting to share their glowing praise or their boiling rage. Now, as announced by DigitalGov, Yelp has a terms of service for official government use. Agencies can claim orRead… Read more »

Top Takeaways from Some of the Best Fed Twitter Feeds

Continuing my review of federal agency/department use of social media, this week I’m looking at Twitter (missed the Facebook review last week? Check it out here). After reviewing more than 100 Twitter feeds, I learned a lot. Some agencies tweet too much. I know a lot of that is personal preference, but I find itRead… Read more »

Social Media in an Emergency

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr – these social media giants are just a few on a growing list of social networking platforms sprawling across the internet. Millions of people across the world use social media websites to connect, share and interact with others. According to a Pew report, 92 percent of teens in America todayRead… Read more »

Top Takeaways From Some of the Best Fed Facebook Pages

Federal agency and department presence on social media varies widely—some have multiple accounts on various platforms while others have just a page or two that is updated infrequently. I wanted to find out what makes some sites more useful than others, so I set out to look at as many federal social media pages asRead… Read more »

Mobile Livestreaming: The Next Social Frontier

By Josh Delung, ICF International Every day, it’s estimated between about 300 and 600 new apps launch in Apple’s App Store alone, not counting other storefronts such as the Google Play store for Android devices. There’s a similarly overwhelming deluge of social networking sites that seem to emerge for some new niche each week. It’sRead… Read more »

OPM Cybersecurity #Fail, As Told By Twitter

Last week, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced that “sensitive information” on 21.5 million personnel was stolen from their systems. Today, OPM announced additional information about the recent cyber incident Learn more: — Beth Cobert (@CobertFormerOPM) July 9, 2015 Soon after this “enormous breach” (so said FBI director James Comey) was announced, OPMRead… Read more »