Social Media

Social Media Ear Trumpet: Listening to Your Community to Design Relevant Content

By Jessica Havlak, ICF International It’s not so hard to think up fun ideas that we think might engage our audience… but who knows better than they what will be appealing? I’ve found that the best way to create engaging, relevant content is just to pay attention. Listen to what your community is talking about, and designRead… Read more »

Hiring Social Media and Digital Expertise: A Hierarchy

Although social media can no longer be considered a novelty, many organizations (especially small- and mid-sized groups) are still trying to figure out whether and how to leverage it as part of their marketing, branding, public relations, customer service, and revenue-generating efforts. In conjunction with those determinations, they must also figure out the best approachesRead… Read more »

Improving LinkedIn Groups: Guidance for Group Managers

This is the second in a series of articles offering recommendations for how LinkedIn, group owners/managers, and members can improve the quality and value of LinkedIn groups. The initial article offered suggestions for LinkedIn. This piece focuses on suggestions for LinkedIn group owners and managers. The ideas can also be extended to other kinds of… Read more »

How to Host a Successful Facebook Q&A

This post is an excerpt from our recent GovLoop guide, Government’s Guide to Using Facebook. To read the whole guide for free, download it here. Town halls and question-and-answer sessions have long been a staple of democracy in the United States. But how do you engage with your constituents in a digital world where theyRead… Read more »

Can LinkedIn Groups be Saved?

Almost six years ago, practically on a whim, I created a LinkedIn group. My vaguely-defined goal was to create a community of people who shared my interest in the applications and implications of social technologies in organizations. Throughout the remainder of 2009, in addition to growing my own group, I was also an active participantRead… Read more »

How To Best Leverage Facebook Ads

This post is an excerpt from our recent GovLoop guide, Government’s Guide to Using Facebook. To read the whole guide for free, download it here. From sharing weight loss tips to encouraging public safety initiatives, Facebook is a great place for organizations to encourage healthy lifestyles — and many state health departments are looking toRead… Read more »

Go-To Tools For Easily Creating GIFs

Did the govies that got GIF game inspire you to think about making your own GIFs? Smart move. These eye-catching animated graphics can really gussy up your digital communications. Making your own GIFs is surprisingly easy. The toughest part is finding the right source material, whether it’s a video, a series of photos, or one image that can becomeRead… Read more »