Social Media

What You Need To Know About LinkedIn Publisher

Do you want to get more visibility on LinkedIn? Recruiters, potential business partners, and possible leads are searching LinkedIn for people like you – is your profile being found? LinkedIn isn’t just a static site to post your resume or search for jobs, and it’s not just a virtual Rolodex. It’s become a social networkRead… Read more »

Social Media Guidelines You Should Share with Your Babysitter

In the age of evolving digital technology, social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and countless other outlets have become a mode of communication among people. Through these social media platforms, sharing information has become practically instantaneous. Sharing your own information about your family is perfectly acceptable, but not when you are not around them.Read… Read more »

8 (Cold, Hard) Truths about Social Media

I am an idealist at heart, but I also pride myself on being a pragmatist and strive to provide guidance that enables individuals and organizations to achieve their goals and objectives in the most efficient and effective ways possible. When it comes to social and digital technologies in particular, although I do believe, I’m notRead… Read more »

Social Media Speak: How to Avoid an Instagram Faux Pas

By Emily Grenen Increasingly, Instagram is becoming a popular platform to connect and engage with new audiences. Unlike other domains – article commentary, obligatory birthday wall posts, and lengthy status updates are (almost) done away with. With Instagram, you’re focused on photos that anyone with the app can create, right from their smartphone. The platformRead… Read more »

What The Public Wants From a Government Twitter Account

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that the average citizen feels like they don’t know what the hell is going on in Washington. I feel fairly confident in drawing this conclusion because every time, or nearly every time I talk to someone outside the Beltway they say something like thisRead… Read more »

How to Build an Active Community of Support on Facebook

By Jessica Havlak While working in what I’ll call the “white hat sector,” it can be a challenge to reach individuals with your message when they are almost as inclined to listen to their friends and family as they are to clinicians. Use this trust of peers to your advantage: engage them in a communityRead… Read more »