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However, on the other hand, sometimes there is more power in not saying anything in response to unkind words.
However, on the other hand, sometimes there is more power in not saying anything in response to unkind words.
1973 My mom went back to work while I was still a toddler. During the day I stayed in Mrs. Eiler’s Family Day Care; she went to the hospital. Raggedy Ann went everywhere with me. (Photo via Cuddly Collectibles) One time on the Sabbath our home almost burned down. Friday nights Jewish women light candles, andRead… Read more »
Government can be beautiful. Yea, I know. There are lot of things you call government–tough, innovative, bureaucratic, dedicated–but beautiful is rarely the adjective of choice. Instagram is changing that. Since GSA negotiated a government-compatible Terms of Service agreement with Instagram in mid-2013, agencies have been flocking to the platform to show the beauty of government. AndRead… Read more »
This article attempts to help intermediate and advanced LinkedIn users understand how their LinkedIn activity is broadcast and shared with other users, and provides recommendations for the best approaches to managing that activity within LinkedIn’s constraints. It provides a comparable assessment and recommendations for filtering and managing other people’s LinkedIn activity as well. Want moreRead… Read more »
Visual. Audio. Kinesthetic. What type of learner are you? We each have different wiring in our brains, so why assume that we all learn the same way? With traditional learning strategies, a generalized model tends to be applied to large groups of people, but this doesn’t always yield homogenous results in terms of comprehending theRead… Read more »
Broadcasting meetings to residents live on the Internet needn’t cost the earth, as Monmouthshire County Council has demonstrated in recent weeks. The council has bypassed expensive monthly fees from livestreaming services by directly streaming meetings, from the council chamber in Usk, UK, to YouTube.Joanna Goodwin, my colleague and friend from my time at Monmouthshire, worksRead… Read more »
The other night I gave a talk in my personal capacity (not as a representative of the National Archives, or the U.S. government) for the University of Maryland University College MBA program, which was kindly hosted by UMD’s Universities at Shady Grove. The video is now available here. It’s an hour-long webcast; you’ll see me answeringRead… Read more »
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is now the most prevalent psychiatric illness of young people in America, affecting 11 percent of them at some point between the ages of 4 and 17…. you may wonder whether something that affects so many people can really be a disease. – Richard A. Friedman, “A Natural Fix for ADHD,” The NewRead… Read more »
How can social media make government more transparent while minimizing legal risk? At this point, most public agencies employ at least one or two social media platforms and understand their value. They may tout their cool Facebook pages as pre-teens scoff and double-tap photos on Instagram, but any social media presence is better than noRead… Read more »
As we approach the 151 anniversary of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address[1], certainly one of the most significant orations ever delivered, we do well to remember the closing; the very end of the last of the ten simple and deeply moving sentences that make up the Address. In these few, memorable words, a war-weary Lincoln charges allRead… Read more »