Social Media

Can Pinterest Make Local Public Engagement More Effective?

We were intrigued by this commsgodigital piece on the ways that Pinterest can be used by local government officials for public engagement, and we wanted to share it with the NCDD community. The article was penned by Andrew Coulson, a local community engagement officer, and you can read it below or find the original commsgodigitalRead… Read more »

Friends with Agendas (FWA)

Why don’t companies “get” social? Why do consultants have such a hard time helping clients to leverage social networks and tools for business value? Perhaps it is because in ‘doing social,’ (rather than being social), you become the FWA. The “friends with benefits” is a well-understood concept, which I will not describe further; but I’dRead… Read more »

Digital Engagement Strategy Series: Determine a Content Plan (2)

By John Simpson, Engagement Consultant If you missed our earlier post, check out part one of our digital engagement blog series. This blog series will go into each of these basics reviewed in our webinar onStakeholder Engagement in Federal Government to provide some next steps you can take to improve your agency’s digital engagement strategy.Read… Read more »

Using Social Media to Help Keep the Public Safe

This is part two of a three-part series on how analytics can help improve public safety and keep communities safe. You can read part one here. For public safety officials today, Facebook and Twitter play an integral role in informing the public about current events. Social data from hashtags, tweets, and comments provide unparalleled amountsRead… Read more »

Digital Property is “Real” Property: 5 Ways to Treat it That Way

Although we’re in at least the seventh decade of the Digital Era, and people realize how integral social and digital technologies are to both our personal and professional lives, there is still a very strong tendency to underestimate the critical role of digital property in managing a brand identity, pursuing goals and objectives, and managingRead… Read more »

Leveraging Your Company’s Social Media

GovLoop recently hosted an online training session “Does Government Need an Exit Strategy for Facebook?” that explored ways to increase your organization’s outreach through social media. While the session was jampacked with information, only so much can be explained in 60 minutes – and registrants had many questions that unfortunately went unanswered. But we madeRead… Read more »

2 Free Twitter Network Visualization Tools

Lately, my associates and I have been doing quite a bit of social network visualization research for clients, typically using raw social data and comprehensive, fee-based custom tools. While these are great for deep analysis and strategic planning, sometimes a simple free tool can do the trick if all you are looking for is quickRead… Read more »