Social Media

Managing Online Comments: 10 Recommendations

Even though social media is fully integrated into the global culture and economy, many leaders are still reluctant to put themselves and/or their organizations in a position where they may have to listen to and/or engage with various stakeholders via these public channels. They tend to fear potential reputational harm and/or the stickiness of havingRead… Read more »

Build Interest in Your Agency Through Social Media

Now that social media has permeated our everyday lives, government agencies are increasingly using channels such as Facebook and Twitter to connect with the public. But is your organization’s content interesting or engaging enough to keep followers coming back? Consider some of the following the next time you post. 1. Inject fun into your messageRead… Read more »

Creating Compelling Content

In the past couple months you may have heard about popular burrito chain Chipotle’s new marketing campaign. The campaign commissioned ten well-known creatives to write something that could be read in two minutes, then printed that work on the sides of nicely designed Chipotle soda cups and paper bags.The writing tapped the talents of peopleRead… Read more »

Did Anyone See Your Organization’s Facebook Post?

Last week the Washington Post featured an article on the frustrations of digital communicators in the weather community with Facebook. The article, “How Facebook is falling short as a weather communication tool,” outlined three major problems weather communicators are having with the social networking tool: “1) Its updates only reach a small fraction of theRead… Read more »

How to Do Authentic Frontline Social Media

With social media dedicated frontline people can brilliantly provide a human face to champion the work an organisation is doing. Morgan Bowers, Walsall Council’s senior countryside ranger, is a pioneer of this approach and has worked to innovate around how people outside the comms team in the public sector can do to really connect withRead… Read more »

Managing Digital Era Risks: Social Media Policies and More

Managing risks is part of the cost of doing business, and managing them well can be a competitive differentiator, in both the economic marketplace and the war for talent. A relatively small percentage of organizations have addressed Digital Era risks in a meaningful way, however. This post provides an overview intended to help organizational leadersRead… Read more »

Driving Mission Impact With a More Engaged Stakeholder Base – an ONS Case Study

As a government agency, serving your stakeholders is at the core of your mission. You have information that your citizens need, and it’s your job as a communicator to get it to them. But getting the right information to the right people at the right time isn’t as simple as sending a letter anymore. WhileRead… Read more »

Celebrate Your Social Media Successes, But Don’t Forget Community Trust is the Key

In June Baltimore Police Department hit a milestone on Twitter, reaching 50,000 followers. In celebration of this, they released the following video, reflecting the department’s achievement and thanking the community for helping them make Baltimore’s streets safer. It is an awesome video and I totally support and respect organisations celebrating like this. It’s important forRead… Read more »