Social Media

Best Practices for Improving Your Federal Agency’s Stakeholder Engagement

In 2009, the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) had to face an unsettling fact: when it came to generating stakeholder engagement, the old way of doing things just wasn’t going to cut it anymore. After conducting research, DOI realized that despite being a federal agency with a huge stakeholder base and a wealth of importantRead… Read more »

Congratulations to GovDelivery Europe Clients on Their Digital Leaders 100 Awards

At GovDelivery, our main goal is to help you do your work as government communicators better, and we’re consistently impressed at just how good that work turns out to be. We’re always incredibly proud our clients, so when one is officially recognised with an award nomination by an outside organisation we can’t help but contributeRead… Read more »

3 Ways Leaders Can Get More From Social Media (With Some Help from Motown)

If you’re a chief exec or a leader, you’ve probably given Twitter, blogging or even Facebook a go. Maybe you love it. But are you getting the most from it? Sometimes people tell me they’re on social media, they’re starting positive conversations about their work but they’re fed up of the same old topics croppingRead… Read more »

3 Rules for Mastering Media Relations — And Why it Still Matters (Part I)

With all the perpetual hype surrounding the proliferation of social media it appears that traditional media are becoming the unwanted stepchildren in today’s fast evolving mobile, digital and virtual world. Yet despite a conspicuous shift in the media landscape caused by the 21st century Information Age, tens of millions of Americans still consume news thatRead… Read more »

Has the Government Digital Comms Community Sold Out?

There was as time when those working in digital comms in government liked to think of themselves as pioneers, dogooders, renegades, jeans wearing, pizza eating innovators; disruptors with a start up mentality. Is this still the case? Here are some reflections… What is the evidence? Govcamp the annual get together was initially a very lowRead… Read more »

Public Service Communications Excellence Awards: Congratulations to GovDelivery Clients!

A company is only as good as the work of its clients, and we couldn’t be more impressed with the amazing work our GovDelivery clients have done over the past year. Public sector organisations are harnessing the power of digital communications and using it to engage their stakeholders in innovative, highly effective ways like neverRead… Read more »

Does Digital Engagement Really Exist?

What do I mean by asking ‘Does digital engagement really exist?’ As I have categorised this post under digital engagement it suggests that I believe in the concept, but lets see where this leads… I was struck last week by the comments of @betonykelly and @timolloyd from BIS (Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, England)Read… Read more »

Professional Use of Social Media: Two Different Approaches (Part 1)

Professional use of social media in the workplace is arguably one of the last taboo in public sector. Public Sector Organizations (PSOs) more than any other have a need, real or perceived, to control the message. Having dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of employees Tweeting away on behalf of the organization is no one’s ideaRead… Read more »

Social Media Metrics for Government: A New Manager’s Handbook

One of the most important questions to ask during a job interview or when preparing for an annual review is: “What constitutes success” or “what does success look like.” For private sector organizations, there are often very easily quantifiable metrics: number and size of sales, or year-to-year growth. Even in the nonprofit sector, there canRead… Read more »