Social Media

The 5 Biggest Challenges of Doing Social Media in the Public Sector

The case for the presence of the public sector on social media no longer needs to be made. Social media is where the public is, so social media is where public sector organizations (PSOs) need to be if they are serious about service to the public. This doesn’t mean it’s all smooth sailing for theRead… Read more »

OPM and Innovation Challenges – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Innovation. It’s the latest buzzword making waves in government. But is there more to innovation than just hype? Has the government really embraced the idea of it? Or is it merely innovation for innovation’s sake? Philadelphia is embracing more than just the term innovation; they’ve just graduated the first class fromRead… Read more »

Social Media Reality Check: Four Mental Shifts Leaders Need to Make

I have previously written about the 5 Main Barriers to Digital Engagement by organizations, their leaders, and other senior professionals. These barriers include lack of knowledge and understanding of social and digital technologies, framing that leads to risk aversion, poor/no roadmaps, and inadequate resource allocation. A related issue involves concerns over the ROI of socialRead… Read more »

Trending Up – What Works For Government Outreach?

Matching the message to the medium is a key component for effective outreach. What else makes the cut? Wednesday, GovDelivery hosted an event on the Power of Reach in government, on how your communications can engage stakeholders to take action – online or offline – to truly drive mission value for your organization. And asRead… Read more »

The Human Element of Communications

Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Google+, blogs and emails have changed the way government communicates with the public. But in order to have a true government transformation, you can’t forget about the people part of the equation. You can send out all the tweets in the world, but if no one sees them, or takes an action,Read… Read more »

15 Opportunities for Your Agency to Innovate in Government

The Department of the Interior has successfully matched their message to the right medium with their use of Instagram — and that’s one of the ways government can innovate better. Wednesday, GovDelivery hosted an important event on the Power of Reach in government, on how your communications can engage stakeholders to take action – onlineRead… Read more »

Is Twitter the Right Channel for Responding to Customer Service Questions in the U.K.?

While social media has the potential to be a great add-on tool for customer service (communicating with the public through Twitter opens up possibilities for immediate interactions) most U.K. organisations are not using Twitter for direct stakeholder interactions. In fact, even though the majority of U.K. organisations have a Twitter account, only about a thirdRead… Read more »

Are You An Outreach Winner?

#Winning. It’s not just Charlie Sheen who can craft a popular tweet. In fact, even you can top Mr. Sheen because your tweets are not just popular – they’re also helpful and informative. Think about it: your engagement can help taxpayers save time, money and resources. And it’s not just about Twitter. Government is gettingRead… Read more »

Social Media in 10 Minutes a Day? 7 Reasons not to be Fooled

Several years ago, when social media was really starting to take off, the idea that an individual or organization could successfully engage in “just minutes a day,” was rampant. Then reality sunk in and people recognized that effective engagement requires time, hard work, and commitment. Finding ways to be more efficient and effective was stillRead… Read more »

Enhancing Your LinkedIn Profile II: 7 More Tasks and 23+ Tips

Recently I published 7 Simple To Dos for Rookies to Enhance Their LinkedIn Profile, the first in a three-part series that offers a “crawl-walk-run” approach to helping folks upgrade their LinkedIn profiles from anemic to impressive and effective. The first post focused on a handful of basic things people should do to make sure theyRead… Read more »