Social Media

APSC’s current online participation guidance becoming an unwanted and unneeded distraction

There’s been a great deal of scrutiny of the APSC’s revised guidance on social media participation by public servants since it came into effect in early 2012 (coincidentally about the time I left the public service). Initially dubbed by some parts of the media as the ‘Jericho amendments‘ (sorry Greg!), the 2012 guidance has regularlyRead… Read more »

7 Simple To Dos for Rookies to Enhance Their LinkedIn Profile

To some people it may seem rather ridiculous to share this kind of guidance in 2014, but judging from the anemic LinkedIn profiles I view on a daily basis, it’s clear that it’s advice people still need. I know everyone is busy, but if how they represent themselves as professionals is important to them (andRead… Read more »

APSC’s current online participation guidance becoming an unwanted and unneeded distraction

There’s been a great deal of scrutiny of the APSC’s revised guidance on social media participation by public servants since it came into effect in early 2012 (coincidentally about the time I left the public service). Initially dubbed by some parts of the media as the ‘Jericho amendments‘ (sorry Greg!), the 2012 guidance has regularlyRead… Read more »

Social Media Ownership: Recommendations for Employers

Many individuals and organizations continue to struggle with the question of social media ownership, which involves the accounts themselves, individual and page profiles, platform content and posting activity. Most of the related laws and regulations were written long before today’s social technologies were even created, let alone widespread, and there are few legal and businessRead… Read more »

On freelancing

The giant of local government social media at the coalface, Dan Slee, has gone freelance. I’m not sure why I’ve not written up Dan as one of my digital heroes here before, because he certainly is one. He’s the kind of innovator it’s hard to dismiss – someone with deep journalism and government experience, Zen-likeRead… Read more »

Australian public servant wearing Google Goggles banned from departmental offices and warned away from all government buildings

I’ve learnt from a source in a major Australian Government department that a public servant who showed up for work yesterday morning wearing Google Glass was unceremoniously escorted out of the building by security. The public servant was given written correspondence from HR, signed by a senior manager, banning them access to any departmental officesRead… Read more »

What should agencies do when online services change their terms of use?

Governments around the world now rely on social media services to reach and engage citizens, disseminate information, to monitor what people are saying and source intelligence to help address crises. Many businesses also rely on digital channels for revenue and engagement reasons. So what happens when an online service that an organisation uses updates itsRead… Read more »

Coping with Social Media Realities: Time and Information Management

When thinking about the digital engagement of active social media users, rookies generally alternate between wondering (often enviously or wistfully) “How do they find the time?” and scoffing (often dismissively and disdainfully) “How do they have so much ‘free’ time?” In our overcommitted, busy lives, lack of time is a common lament. Many people areRead… Read more »