Social Media

Tweets about Twitter Offer Interesting Insights

Curious about Twitter, not just as a social media platform but also as a company? Using a sample of recent tweets, this post offers a glimpse into the company’s leadership, its role in society, and how the platform and its features are evolving. Though neither comprehensive nor in-depth, this glimpse provides insights into the complexityRead… Read more »

The Key to Government Communication: Keep it Simple

The IRS is a great case study of using social media for recruitment – and keeping a simple, yet effective message Story Highlights Government communications relies on a keeping a simple message Never assume simplicity lacks complexity IRS as a great case study for how to leverage social media for recruitment See related FCG postsRead… Read more »

Government Social Media Reacts to the Storm – The Communication Evolution

Hurricane Sandy might go down in history as the first natural disaster to really go viral. The Huffington Post reports, More than 244,000 photos have been posted to Instagram with the hashtag #sandy, according to app founder Kevin Systrom. More than 144,000 more have been posted under #hurricanesandy and another 23,000 photos under #frankenstorm. “ThereRead… Read more »

4 Tips on Reporting Digital Metrics from

At a conference, I was recently asked “What’s the best way to report web and social media metrics?” The participant said they struggle on what specific metrics to report, how frequently, and in what format. My response was check out Center for Disease Controls’s metrics Here’s 4 tips based on CDC’s metrics (September’s metrics embeddedRead… Read more »

OhMyGov(ies) And The Hatch Act – To Live Tweet, Or Not To Live Tweet

The Hatch Act of 1939, officially An Act to Prevent Pernicious Political Activities, is the official guidance for civil servants of the executive branch on engaging in partisan political activity. More than seventy years after it was enacted, the blurred lines between professional and private lives, compounded by the development of social media, complicates theRead… Read more »

Local Government and Public Engagement: Best Practices and Measures of Success

Local government employees work closely with members of the public, providing essential services and making important policy decisions that affect their communities. Similar to both state and federal budgets, many local budgets are currently stretched pretty thin. Thus, local government is fertile ground for developing and testing public engagement strategies, to determine best practices andRead… Read more »

Tools I use for learning

Recently, as part of a survey of members of the Social Learning Centre, I put together a list of ten sites or apps I use a lot in my own learning activity. Actually, I thought ten was rather a lot, so to share it here, I thought I’d whittle it down to half that number.Read… Read more »