Social Media

How Does Citizen Engagement Create Value for Government?

GovDelivery recently featured an IDC Report that contains questions posed by GovDelivery to Adelaide O’Brien, Research Director of Smart Government Strategies at IDC Government Insights. I’d encourage you to download the report to check out the full report, which had a lot of interesting information. Below I’ve shared one of the questions posed in theRead… Read more »

The State of Government Social Media

On September 13th, GovLoop hosted our first ever virtual show, the Government Innovator’s Online Summit. The virtual conference brought together nearly 1300 government innovators, and provided five trainings throughout the day. Participants had the opportunity to virtually network, download resources and attend free online trainings to help them do their job better. Topics for theRead… Read more »

Public notices: the case for radical reform

Local authorities in the UK spend up to £67.85m every year publishing public notices in local newspapers.The individual cost of publishing a notice can reach over £20 per column cm in some publications, upwards of three times the cost for other adverts. This is resulting in a weighty burden on councils. Local authorities are cryingRead… Read more »

Tumbln into Tumblr: 7 Reasons it Hits a Social Media “Sweet Spot”

If you haven’t considered adding Tumblr to your social media portfolio yet, my latest blog post offers seven reasons why it hits a “sweet spot” for established individual and organizational users, complementing and augmenting engagement on other platforms in unique and effective ways. Additional reasons are welcome. Tumblr. Follow the world’s creators. That’s how TumblrRead… Read more »

Social Media: Will the Bubble Burst?

Conventional wisdom among many stock market analysts used to be that highly successful social media companies such as Facebook, Groupon and others would fare well in the U.S. stock market. Yet, surprisingly, just the opposite has occurred in many instances invovling the largest and most successful social media sites. Some social media outfits have seenRead… Read more »

The IBM Center for the Business of Government Expands Its Focus on Innovation

This articles was originally posted by Dan Chenok on the Center for the Business of Government Blog. In the last several years, the focus on innovation as a core driver to government performance and transformation has increased significantly. The role of Chief Technology Officers, and new positions of Chief Innovation Officers and new Innovation officesRead… Read more »