Social Media

Daily Dose: CIA Twitter Account Suspended, For Being Fake

There is a lot of questionable content that comes across twitter these days. Some of it we, the savvy public, know is questionable — like the seemingly endless stream of parody accounts such as those for Lord Voldemort, Mark Zuckerberg, Betty White, and William Shakespeare. But fake accounts that seem at first glance to haveRead… Read more »

Let a Thousand @s Bloom!

At the most recent Tech@State, I moderated a panel on Organizational Collaboration. Befitting a State Department event, the panel was composed of members from three continents. Jutta von Dinklage spoke about her experiences implementing a wiki for Cancer Council Australia. Lane Rasberry asserted that any American government agency charged with disseminating information to the publicRead… Read more »

The Military’s use of Social Media: Facebook Focus (Part 1 of 3)

Blog series originally posted at DK Web Consulting. The growth of social media is evident even amongst the ranks of government. The five branches of the US Military have been social media champions and there is much to learn from their efforts as we see in this report. This is the first installment of threeRead… Read more »

Review of “The Rise of Social Government” by the Fels Institute

The federal government’s use of social media—including Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, and other sites—draws no end of press coverage, and for good reason: in the past three years, federal agencies have been engaging citizens through Facebook (NASA has more fans than the population of Denver, CO) and Twitter (The State Department has more followers thanRead… Read more »

Recovering from a Social Media Mistake

Everyone has posted something they wish they hadn’t. Don’t worry so much about the past and get back up on the horse. That’s what will define you, not one post. On Friday, the NextGen Journal published an article titled “Why Every Social Media Manager Should be Under 25″ by Cathryn Sloane. This article predictably generatedRead… Read more »

How to Sharpen Your Job Search

Been hunting for a new job for awhile? Or thinking of starting a job search? Summer is a great time to ‘sharpen your saw’to quote an old proverb. Too many people just update an old resume, tell all their friends that they need a new job, and look at ads online. Not the best methods!Read… Read more »

Guide to Social Media Posting

Nice guide to social media posting – written for non-profits but I think fits gov’t as well. General agree although a couple tips I don’t necessarily agree with (like post every other day on FB) (download original at Favorite

Social Media for Public Participation: Step 2 – Consult

Though informing is the first rung in the public participation ladder, it is the second step, consulting, that two—way communication and the promises it entails become paramount. The IAP2 says that the purpose of consulting is “To obtain public feedback on analysis, alternatives and/or decisions.” In essence, agencies enabling this kind of participation are promisingRead… Read more »

What You Can Learn from HHS Facebook Pages (Part 3 of 3)

By Eric Diaz. Blog series originally posted at DK Web Consulting. Click here for Part 1 in the series on HHS Facebook page use. Click here for Part 2. It’s not just the private sector jumping on the social media bandwagon. Government agencies are using the robust Facebook platform to reach the public too. ThisRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Social Media a Major Campaign Tool for Political Candidates

Social media has become a major influencer in the way candidates campaign. Newark’s Cory Booker has over one million followers, and is one of the best examples of a politician successfully utilizing social media. On New Years Eve in 2010, Mayor Booker even responded to a grandson tweeting about his grandfather who needed his drivewayRead… Read more »