Social Media

Social Media in Government Reading Discussion: Clay Shirky’s “Cognitive Surplus”

This week, we read Clay Shirky’s Cognitive Surplus Why I assigned this book There are a few different kinds of value that government agencies can wring from social media. The first is simply to use it as a venue for engaging citizens. Another is to listen to citizens as they talk to one another. StillRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 09, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda The Necessity of Government Digital Service. From across the pond comes this blog post by Carl Haggerty, “Does local government need a local government digital service?” Though the post (as its name implies) focuses squarely on local government, the lessons are applicable to all levels of government, and the answer to the title’sRead… Read more »

5 Social Media Tips to Promote Your #Gov 2.0 Mobile App

People and organizations are flocking to social media. Governments are no different. These channels are perfect opportunities to promote your mobile app solution. Note: This will be much more effective if you have a dedicated landing page with instructions to download your app. CitySourced has assets and copy which we can provide you in buildingRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 01, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda It’s spring (meteorologically), when many people are thinking about getting engaged. By which I mean: citizen engagement, employee engagement, and engagement in and through social media. A Ladder or a Continuum. On the blog Bang the Table, Cripsin Butteriss dusts off his papers on citizen participation and shares Sherry R Arnstein’s “Ladder ofRead… Read more »

8 Ways Government Can Engage Citizens – From GovGirl Kristy Fifelski

This week I sat in a webinar hosted by GovDelivery that featured “GovGirl” Kristy Fifelski. The title of the presentation was “You’re on Social Media…Now What?” Kristy walked through great examples and provided a handful of interesting case studies of social media from the state, local and federal level. You can listen to an archivedRead… Read more »

Social Media in Government Reading Discussion: Farhad Manjoo’s “True Enough”

This week, we read Farhad Manjoo’s True Enough: Learning to Live in a Post-Fact Society Why I assigned this reading This is the first book we’ve read that throws some cold water on social media in government. The central thesis–to which we’ve all been exposed–is that people have pretty much made up their minds aboutRead… Read more »

Someone unfollowed me?! But why?! #Twitter

Welcome to Twitter Following you: 425… Refresh 427… “Yes!” Refresh 419… “Wait what? Who unfollowed me and why?!” It happens, many times it’s just bots coming and going, but occasionally something distasteful or obnoxious was posted; other times it’s just because of consecutive uninteresting posts. So what’s driven you to click the unfollow button forRead… Read more »

Look for the Australian premier screening of Twittamentary at GovCamp QLD

A few weeks ago I became aware of a very interesting documentary project, Twittamentary, a movie that explores the intersection and interplay of peoples’ lives on Twitter. Directed by Singaporean filmmaker and Tweeter, Tan Siok Siok, the documentary takes a grass roots approach, looking at how Twitter has connected, affected and influenced individuals across America.Read… Read more »