Social Media

Whats Next DC Live Blogging, Social Media @ Large Organizations

Katharine Zaleski of the Washington Post pointed out that around the 2008 election, visitor numbers to their website was stagnating. “Why was it stagnating?”, she asked. The problem was that the Post wasn’t utilizing social media to its fullest potential. After this realization, they began investing in social media. They found that viewers to theirRead… Read more »

GSA Launches Pilot 12-Week Social Media Training

This post has been updated to highlight the role of GSA’s Web Manager University. Starting February 7, I’ll be leading a 12-week social media in government course that aims to help new and aspiring social media practitioners understand the strategy and tools that will help the succeed in their roles. The class is being offeredRead… Read more »

Is Social Media Useful for Engaging Your Constituents?

Town hall meetings, Twitter, hotlines, e-mail… The list of potential lines of communication goes on. There are more open lines of communication between agencies and the citizens they serve than ever before. Since the advent of the Internet, they are constantly evolving, particularly social media, to better serve the public will. But are we betterRead… Read more »

At Fort Hood: Social media, community lauded for help in locating missing girl

So glad this story has gotten more attention. Excerpted from the article on the Army website: A massive outpouring of support from Fort Hood, surrounding communities and social media helped a potential nightmare for one Fort Hood family end happily last week….. {ELLIPSE} “Facebook provided great information,” Fort Hood Garrison Commander Col. Mark Freitag said.Read… Read more »

What is Facebook good for? Helping to find a missing child: a Fort Hood story with a happy ending

I happen to subscribe to the official Facebook page of Fort Hood (TX) because my husband sometimes teaches there..I am on the East Coast. He had a fantastic experience there, made friends, and learned a lot himself. I check in once in a while to see what “the Great Place” is doing because he wasRead… Read more »

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Our Favorite Social Media Moments from 2011

From our USDA Blog – The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Our Favorite Social Media Moments from 2011. It’s been an exciting year for USDA Web Communications, stepping in to new territory and pushing the bounds of government social networking and outreach. Coming from a traditional press operation in an agency setting, I’m thrilledRead… Read more »