Social Media

Managing and Protecting Information on Social Networks

GAO recently did a study of Federal agencies using various social media sites. Since many agencies have started to explore how to use social media to achieve the objectives of the agencies mission, the GAO wanted to explore how social media services may pose risks to both personal and government information. The GAO was taskedRead… Read more »

Great Social Media Lessons from the DoD All Service Social Media Conference (DoDASSMC)

Today I had the chance to go to the Department of Defense All Service Social Media Conference (DODASSMC) at Georgetown University’s Clarendon Campus. If you are a community manager or interested in connecting with people running social media programs, you should for sure check out the group. Today there were four speakers, everyone did aRead… Read more »

Facebook v. Google+ What It’s Really about Is Connectivity

Yesterday, I commented on Dannielle Blumenthal’s “5 Reasons Why Facebook will beat Google+ Easily” In essence: I disagree. Here are Dannielle’s reasons: Brand: She says “Facebook is about staying connected with friends. Google is about making the world’s data searchable.” But to me, and most people with GMail, Picasa, Blogger, and Reader accounts, (to sayRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: A profile puzzle

It’s estimated 41.6 percent of the U.S. population has a Facebook account, and 13 percent of the population is part of the Twitterverse. Once you add in sites like GovLoop, LinkedIn, Second Life and YouTube, it’s not unusual for someone to have multiple social media profiles. Social media sites are now as much a partRead… Read more »

Recap Vancouver: Police, Citizens, Social Media, Privacy, and Safety

This post was co-written by GovLoop’s own Joseph Porcelli and Lauri Stevens. You’ve likely seen the pictures and videos from Vancouver: the looting, the beatings, the couple kissing. And how can we forget the videos of the few courageous citizens who, in the midst of the violence and chaos, stood up for their community? AfterRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Youtah, Robot Uprisings, and Comic Sans’ Revenge

Having a short week was nice, no? It came quickly, but believe it or not, it’s time for the… Friday Fab 5! Well it’ll be back to the normal grind next week, but in the meantime, why not sit back, relax, and take a reflect on some of the top content here on GovLoop. Today’sRead… Read more »