Social Media

The War – Knowledge Mgmt & Social Media – FREE Training – 6/9

***Register for June’s Free GL Training on Knowledge Mgmt & Social Media – 6/9 at 2pm est** It’s funny. A couple years ago I was in charge of a social media platform inside my agency for internal use amongst employees. At the time, I thought of it as a social media project or specifically anRead… Read more »

When the Tin Standard is Enough: Social Media Engagement vs. Broadcast

As I’ve said before, there are very few absolutes when it comes to social media. Trust me, I’m well aware that the first word in “social media” is “social.” And there’s no question that the gold standard is to fully engage in any platform like Twitter, and that means retweeting, following others, etc. In Facebook,Read… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Vanishing Pensions, Sting Operations, and the Wisdom of Crowds

It’s time to “take 5” for the… Friday Fab 5! We had a busy week here on the site. Lots of great content and even more great comments! I wish we could recognize them all, but alas, we only have the time to highlight a few. So without further ado… Today’s Blog of the WeekRead… Read more »

NYC digital road map

via “NYC Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and Chief Digital Officer Rachel Sterne today unveiled Road Map for the Digital City – a comprehensive strategy to make New York the nation’s leading digital City.” 16 May. This amazing effort and beautifully structured and designed report sets out examples of what has been done and whereRead… Read more »

Social Media in Government 101 Course Description, with Bibliography – Your Thoughts?

A few months ago, I was approached by a university and asked if I could teach a Social Media class. Though I have not committed to teaching the class (those of you who grade papers will know why), I have put together a rough outline of what I’d like to cover, how I’d structure theRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Silent Assassins, Esoteric Boxes, and How to Put the ‘Go’ in eGov

It’s that time of the week again. It’s the… Friday Fab 5! Happy Friday the 13th. Yes, it is that special day which we all secretly dread yet again, but I wouldn’t worry too much. Last I heard, reading the Friday Fab 5 is supposed to give a person extra luck on days like this.Read… Read more »

Daily Dose: How YouTube Can Save Your Job Reputation

In an effort to regain the public’s trust and fix their reputation, the National Air Traffic Controller’s Association (NATCA-the nation’s largest union for air traffic controllers) is turning to social media for help. Via a brand new video posted on YouTube earlier today, a group of experienced air traffic controllers from around the country explainRead… Read more »

Peering down the Corridor: The New Social Network’s Features and Their Uses

Previously, I’ve written about State’s new social media portal, Corridor, and some of the ways its administrators can measure its success. Today, I want to explore the features of the site, some potential features IRM’s eDiplomacy office may want to add in the future, and how each of those features can be used by StateRead… Read more »

Social Media Stages/Themes for Local Government

I read with interest Dan Slee’s blog post “Linked Social: Eight steps of social media evolution in local government” and whilst I agree with Dan I commented on his post with a slightly different perspective. I recommend that you can read the post directly but I have included a bit of my comment below: WithRead… Read more »

Corridor’s Success Metrics.

Last week, I wrote about Corridor, the State Department’s new internal social networking portal. This week, I want to examine some ways that its administrators can illustrate to their leadership that their investment in Corridor is returning results. Here are the top four metrics I think they should look at: Membership and activity – especiallyRead… Read more »