Social Media

A New Corridor Open in the State Department

When Twitter launched in 2006, it would have been impossible–perhaps even irresponsible–to predict its success or the ways in which people would use the platform, shape its language, and through it, change the social media landscape. Over time, the people who used Twitter helped identify the most valuable features (hashtags, anyone?) and its most relevantRead… Read more »

Top 5: Awesome Ways USDA Reworked Its New Website

9:30pm last night USDA launched their Department-wide website redesign. From the beginning, they set out to tackle quite the challenge: Here’s what they faced: Do completely in-house working with a limited budget/resources Design an easy to navigate homepage to get citizens to the right place, and on their way effectively and efficiently Coordinate with 29Read… Read more »

Facebook and Fort Bragg: Two Powerful Forces Unleashed?

This Thursday, Fort Bragg is trying something new: live interaction with citizens via Facebook. Here’s an excerpt from an article in the Fayetteville Observer: Fort Bragg leaders will answer questions live Thursday on Facebook, the popular social-networking site that until 2009 was blocked on many military computer networks. “We’re hoping specifically to have interaction withRead… Read more »

Girl walks into a Twitter conversation

This is another entirely random ‘what if?’ post. I freely admit that not the right amount of serious considered intellectual thought has gone into this. But. What if, right, we all rotated Chief Executives every few years or so? I can’t quite remember how it started and finding the conversation would be difficult, but IRead… Read more »

Don’t Confuse the Genre for the Medium

Neal Ungerleider wrote a a funny piece on Fast Company about the State Department’s new Tumblr blog this morning, including a few suggestions on how the State Department could be more Tumblry by jumping on some of Tumblr’s most popular trends. It’s a great piece of writing, and it also says exactly what I wasRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Don’t talk about it, tweet about it.

Thanks to Twitter, it’s as easy to keep up with your favorite celebrity as it is to stay in touch with your best friend. An estimated 200 million users send more than 65 million tweets every day. These days, if you want people to talk about it, you should tweet about it. Our Twitter approachRead… Read more »

Managing the Social-Media Paradigm Shift: Ride the current, or be swept aside

Everyone who’s ears have been assaulted with talk of “paradigm shifts” can thank Thomas Kuhn, author of “The She Structure of Scientific Revolutions.” I’ve often wondered why that phrase beguiles so many consultants and technology cheerleaders, and it’s a shame that it has, because in the glare of that overexposure, we may have blinded ourselvesRead… Read more »