What Makes Your Community a Smart One?
The biggest developments in the smart communities movement is shifting from the idea of a single application to a series of interrelated technologies.
The biggest developments in the smart communities movement is shifting from the idea of a single application to a series of interrelated technologies.
As a member of your community if you see evidence of illegal dumping notify your municipal leaders. Your are the eyes and hears of your community.
Businesses and urban residents are embracing technological innovation faster than many cities can react. With digital change happening in hyper-speed, urban leaders need to act now to bridge the technology gap between their cities and stakeholders.
How do you identify the key performance measures that will actually tell you how the organization is performing?
The Colorado SIPA User Conference is an annual free event that brings together the biggest innovators and thinkers in Colorado government technology to talk about serving Colorado communities with technology.
While states and localities may feel helpless against the endless onslaught of cyberattacks, there are preventative measures they can take to avoid falling victim.
The city of Buffalo, New York’s “Operation Clean Sweep” program uses a proactive governance approach to engage with the community. Equally important, Buffalo illustrates that 311 is much more than just a number.
What does an internet superstar look like? You might not think of Lenexa, Kansas, police officers in this category, and yet, they were.
By and large, social media in some form is a part of the life of the public. Local government is in a perfect spot to embrace the power of this disruptive and highly-used platform.
My San Jose, the city’s premier 311 reporting app, is reflective of what impactful digital services can mean to a community.