State and Local

The Evolution of 311 and Government Customer Service

Inspired by customer expectations and feedback the 311 community continues to increase connectivity options. Today’s users access 311 through kiosks, chat, text, online, mobile applications, email, artificial intelligence, and social media.

Smart Cities With a Purpose

Whether you live in a small town or large metropolis, you might be noticing profound changes in the way you interact with local government. Cities around the world – from San Francisco to Singapore and many in between – are leveraging emerging technologies to deploy smart, connected cities.

Denver’s HR Director Achieves 85% Reduction in Paper Through Modernization

Human resources departments on the state and local levels face the challenges of acquiring talent and driving engagement across agencies. Karen Niparko is the chief HR executive for the city and county of Denver, Colorado, and she talked to GovLoop about factors that facilitate her role in HR.