State and Local

How, and Why, to Be a Data Storyteller

The continued evolution of data transparency requires that governments move data from informing to enabling stakeholders. Pairing modern technology with the timeless art of storytelling is a key way to overcome current public sector challenges and solve real-world problems.

How Santa Clara County Used E-Signatures to Cut Costs and Improve CX

To unlock employee productivity and discover cost savings, Santa Clara County turned to e-signatures. Dunkin’s staff conducted a study on the savings Santa Clara County accrued by establishing digital workflows, and the results were “mindboggling.”

Why Resilient Communities Must Use GIS

A geographic information system (GIS) is a critical part of building resilience. Resilience is the actions that state and local governments can take now to minimize the inevitable impact of shocks and stresses for the community and accelerate the response for when those stresses occur.