State and Local

Budgeting Is a Collaborative Effort

The traditional budgeting approach used by local governments has many downsides, including a reliance on siloed data and an inability to identify how agencies can deliver services more efficiently and effectively. But rules-based software, which offers a digital and personalized approach, helps to solve those problems.

How Automated Traffic Management Insights Can Help DoTs Better Respond to Natural Disasters

State and local governments are faced with a pressing need to repair infrastructure damage, particularly transportation infrastructure, following a natural disaster. But localities often lack visibility into what’s happening on the ground, and that delays restoration efforts. Automation can be a huge help.

How ‘Smart City’ Tech Can Ease Local Parking Woes and Set Local Businesses up for Success

When it comes to personal automobiles, policymakers tend to focus on concerns such as emissions and safety, but there’s one problem they often overlook: parking. How can cities and towns alleviate consumer frustration while taking advantage of potential revenue? Technology is the answer.

Government Transformation: Adopting Cloud for Maximum Impact

Government needs to provide both its employees and the public with modernized online experiences, including on-demand access to data and services. But facing an array of challenges, how can agencies deliver what they should? An innovative, “single pane of glass” approach gives states the ability to let people easily access resources from multiple agencies and… Read more »