
Getting started within The Social Ecosystem, a checklist

Last November I built a short series to help organizations with their 2010 Social Media Plan. The series was well received and I think we all learned a lot in the process of writing and commenting back and forth. Sometimes, however, it really helps to boil things down to a simple checklist, keeping it simpleRead… Read more »

FDA Tobacco Regs Take Effect

New FDA tobacco regulations regarding “light/low/mild” cigarettes take effect on July 22, 2010. CDC Web page provides a helpful summary of new FDA tobacco regulations and the potential public health impact, particularly for smokers of “light,” “low,” or “mild” cigarettes. The Web page also provides links to a full feature article and other helpful resources.Read… Read more »

Help Wanted: U.S. Needs Cybersecurity Experts and Fast!

Our friends at Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) recently issued a study called “A Human Capital Crisis in Cybersecurity,” that highlights how the United States is facing a chronic shortage in the quality and quantity of its cybersecurity experts. As such, the nation unprepared to defend itself against increasingly sophisticated online attacks. TheRead… Read more »

CB2: Storm=Brewing, Well=Capped!

It hasn’t hit the mainstream yet, but Florida residents need to keep an eye on what could become Tropical Storm Bonnie heading their way this weekend. Keep an eye out for a special edition CB2 should Bonnie pose a serious threat. Forecast track While the National Hurricane Center won’t have a cone graphic until theRead… Read more »

Weekly Research and Best Practices

Research 1. The Challenge of Co-production (12/15/2009) – Co-production is a new trend of users and professionals working together to design and deliver public services in equal partnership . It has the potential to deliver a major shift in the way we provide public services 2. Canada’s Measurement Tool for Government Services (06/13/2010) –Read… Read more »

Transparency without a Community Makes You Invisible #LocalGovChat

The argument of whether to prioritize and set goals for transparency or responsiveness when implementing #Gov20 for local government agencies gets mixed reactions. It’s easy to say both should be a priority, but with limited time, money and man power this isn’t always a realistic option. So what’s the answer? It’s impossible to get evenRead… Read more »

First Impressions of New OMB Guidance on Web Measurement

I was overseas when the guidelines on the use of web analytics and measurement on Federal government web site was published on June 25 and then spent a few days tromping in the woods with my son, so I haven’t had a lot of time to digest the OMB’s final memos. Yet after reading throughRead… Read more »