Happy Social Media Day!
Wait, isn’t every day Social Media Day around here??
Wait, isn’t every day Social Media Day around here??
Let’s face it. You cannot truly measure employee output, once you are managing people who are not producing or processing widgets per hour – people we call, erroneously, “knowledge workers.” People who are useful and productive because of the relationships they maintain, the external sources they consult to solve problems, and the imagination they bringRead… Read more »
Recent discussion about the cloud and Software as a Service (SaaS) brought me back nearly a decade to a time when, as an IT director, I stood in the way of just such a proposal for government software…as a service. My state had selected a vendor. Their task: produce a portal website and provide farRead… Read more »
As you may recall, in part one of defining the Social Organization we discussed a few reasons why we need a new view of the world. We also took time to define The Social Organization in very simple terms: The Social Organization will use standard approaches that make it easy for customers/citizens to find andRead… Read more »
With the strengthening of Hurricane Alex, today marks the first hurricane of the 2010 season, and the 70th day since the Deepwater Horizon explosion. The question on everyone’s mind is without a doubt, “What impact will a hurricane have on the oil spill?” The short answer is “no one knows,” since a hurricane has neverRead… Read more »
Yesterday I attended a Meetup with the State Department at NAPA. The theme for the event was connective technologies and how can we use the internet as a catalyst to bring people together. The speakers were Alec Ross, Senior Advisor for Innovation in the Office of Secretary of State; Scott Heiferman, Co-Founder & CEO ofRead… Read more »
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, government webmasters would buy up every domain name extension available for their websites. It was reasoned that this would avoid Cybersquatting and would ensure that people typing in your URL would find your site no matter what extension they put in. Flash forward to 2010.Read… Read more »
There was an interesting post on GovLoop about the why of social media. The post boiled social media success down to conversations. Social media is viewed here as another channel to reach people. Under such a regime, traffic becomes a focus. “How many people are using these tools?” The focus is on providing information toRead… Read more »
Sterling is an Acquisition Freak and writes a blog called AllThingsSterling. I was reading a few articles on customer service this morning and something came to me. When we’re removed from our customers say through email or Twitter, it’s easy to dismiss them. This is because emotion and urgency don’t always translate through writing. EmotionsRead… Read more »
Does your local DMV have instructional videos on YouTube? Do they use social media at all? Are they committed to “lifelong learning” among drivers in your area? If your answer was “no” to any or all of these questions, then you might want to tell them about the United Kingdom’s Driving Standards Agency (DSA), whichRead… Read more »