
Bladow on Opening the Courts: Using Technology to Empower the Unrepresented

A video is available of a presentation by Kate Bladow of Pro Bono Net, entitled Opening the Courts: Using Technology to Empower the Unrepresented, given 25 May 2010 at Gov 2.0 Expo 2010 in Washington, DC, USA. The presentation concerns “courts’ use of technology to help those without lawyers, including Pro Bono Net‘s LawHelp InteractiveRead… Read more »

When Was the Last Time Your Intranet Empowered Anyone?

This post originally appeared on AIIM’s Enterprise 2.0 Community Blog. Think about your Intranet for a moment (stop groaning) and answer the following questions. When was the last time: Someone spent their own money to purchase promotional items to help build awareness and get more people to participate? Someone voluntarily put the name of theRead… Read more »

Usability Tutorial: what is web usability and how do you measure it?

Cross-posted from: Originally created for Girl Geek Dinner in Ottawa, you can use this tutorial to start a discussion about how you can integrate usability principles into your website planning at your department or organization. Alternatively, re-use the prezi to create your own presentation. If you do, I’d love to know about it. TheRead… Read more »

2010 Australian Federal Election

OK. It’s an election year in Australia this year. If everyone’s vision of Gov 2.0 were a reality right now, how would Australia’s election be conducted? What would the relationship between citizens, government and political parties look like? What advice would you give to our Prime Minister, Julia Gillard or opposition leader Tony Abbott onRead… Read more »

Great Commercial,! Why Can’t I Find It On YouTube?

If you’ve been watching CNN recently, you’ve probably seen the commercial – you know, the one where there are two guys getting rained on under floating rooves. One is “having a problem.” The other: dry and secure. I wanted to see it again, so I quickly went to YouTube to see if I couldRead… Read more »

Why Govt Websites Should Be Archived

This is a crosspost of Websites have become an integral part of every modern organization, including the government. Every day, a constant stream of information is being posted on the web. For government, every data published is considered as a Public Record, which by law should be retained and disclosed to the citizens, wheneverRead… Read more »

Real Live Misinformation In Action (Oil Spill Rumors)

I received a link to a youtube video today entitled “Kid with oil stuck on her! Destin Beach, FL.” As I watched the video, I sat in total surprise and horror as the videographer walked down the beach covered in bits of oil washing ashore while others sat and played on a normal summerRead… Read more »