
10 points on the current situation in Russian Gov 2.0

My interview Government 2.0 in Russia: megabyte democracy – An interview with russian e-gov-expert Alena Popova was published this week. The author of the blog is Julia Talmazan. She lives in Vancouver and blogging about Russia, from the perspective of someone who was born in the USSR, but grew up in Canada. Thank you JulieRead… Read more »

The prosaic politics of the tweet

View original post at the acidlabs blog. Bernard Keane has an especially interesting piece in Crikey entitled Twitter and the prosaic reality of Digital Democracy (registration required). It’s an insightful look at the emergence of Australian politicians into the world of social media and just how well (or not) they are doing. Of particular noteRead… Read more »

Why Teleworking is Good for Your Mental Health

Nick Carr, who criticizes the Internet while reaping the benefits of having such a great platform to push his neo-Luddite views, has published a book warning us all that online links are destroying our brains. It takes a brave person to ignore the evidence that the Internet is actually good for our brains but CarrRead… Read more »

Ideas for government “Quick Poll” questions

(Original post at One great way to encourage interaction on your government website is to include a “Quick Poll” feature on your homepage. The site visitor selects an answer and sees instant results from the other visitors. We’ve had over 9,000 responses to our homepage poll in the year and a half since takingRead… Read more »

It had to be said

Rob Cottingham always provides me with food for thought with his cartoons and blog posts, and this one was no different. When I began blogging, using Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Empire Avenue, the telephone, I always told myself, and others, that the quality of your community is far more important than the size of your community.Read… Read more »

DCWEEK Fires Up Govvies

What do fire dancers have to do with technology? Attendees at the opening night party of DC Week had a chance to find out. Digital Capital Week (DCWEEK) is a 10 day festival in Washington, DC focused on technology, innovation and all things digital in our nation’s capital. DCWEEK takes place in venues throughout WashingtonRead… Read more »

Weekly Newsletter on Research and Best Practices

Resources 1. Modernizing Government: Overview and Next Steps (03/24/2010) – Results of a White House Forum to identify best practices in using technology to streamline federal operations, improve customer service, and maximize returns on technology investments. 2. – UK portal for people who work in public, private and non-profit sectors, advice, case studies andRead… Read more »