
Freitas et al. on A New Usage for Semantic Technologies on eGovernment: Checking Official Documents’ Consistency

Dr. Fred Freitas of Universität Mannheim Zentrum für Wirtschaftsinformatik Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Management Research Group and Federal Universidade of Pernambuco Informatics Center, Zacharias Candeias Jr. of the Pernambuco Agência Estadual de Tecnologia da Informação, and Professor Dr. Heiner Stuckenschmidt of Universität Mannheim Zentrum für Wirtschaftsinformatik Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Management Research Group, will presentRead… Read more »

Online Video Asset Management Whitepaper

“Don’t Let Video Assets Become a Liability” Your web audience prefers video as an information resource. Your public affairs and training departments want to post more and more videos, while making sure that viewers can easily navigate to their subject matter preference. You need to manage a seemingly unmanageable library of video assets that isRead… Read more »

The Kentucky State Police Are Finding Success Using Social Media

I love to read a news article on the web that highlights a law enforcement agency that is using social media and being successful at it. Some may say social media success for law enforcement has to be measured by arrests, crimes prevented or some numerical value. However, successful use of social media for lawRead… Read more »

Mike Loukides on “What is data science?”

Mike Loukides posted a blog What is data science? on It’s a naural to preceed the publication by O’Reilly of “Making Data Work: Practical Applications of Data Science”. In summary his message is that the “future belongs to the companies and people that turn data into products.” A few of his points and discussionRead… Read more »

Celebrating 150 years with the US Army Signal Corps

Just wanted to mention to everyone that SIGNAL Magazine has published its commemorative special edition recognizing the 150th anniversary of the US Army Signal Corps. We’ll also be publishing lots of extras on our blog and Flickr page. You can view the anniversary supplement at this link.

‘To Have and To Hold, Til Twitter Us Do Part.’ Join us on #localgovchat tonight 6/2 at 9 EST.

How do you manage your relationship with social media AND the real people in your life? I was looking at old pics, like the one above from my wedding in 2003, and was started wondering: How many Twitpics would I have sent from the limo. Would I have updated my Facebook relationship status to “married”Read… Read more »

How Law Enforcement Can Better Control Their Message Using Social Media!

Law enforcement has basically been at the mercy of the news media. Whether issuing press releases, responding to a high profile case, or requesting help from citizens in a missing person case the police were (are) at the behest of the media to communicate there message. Social media offers alternative options for law enforcement agenciesRead… Read more »

Library of Congress to Support Geospatial Data Preservation

The Library of Congress is the nation’s oldest federal cultural institution that serves as the “research arm” for Congress. The Library’s mission is to make its resources available and useful to the Congress and the American people and to sustain and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity for future generations. And, now theRead… Read more »

Rockin’ the World with Social Good

During my time here at GovLoop I will be blogging (excessively) on an array of topics related to technology, development, and diplomacy. An area of particular interest to me is how technology can advance humanitarian work and the development of aid around the world; which can entail looking at how technology has changed access toRead… Read more »