
How to Get Rid of IT Sprawl

So you’ve officially decided that the obsolete, inefficient way of managing information technology at your agency should no longer be utilized. Congratulations! You’ve effectively decided to get rid of IT sprawl, a reality too often seen in government. As a refresher, IT sprawl happens when information is separated, disparate applications are deployed, and there areRead… Read more »

Cut Red Tape With Strong DevOps

A common frustration among government agencies is the long and complex process in which new data and software is developed. Development and operations, or DevOps, is a phrase used to describe the agile relationship between Development and IT Operations efforts. The goal of DevOps is to change and improve the relationship by advocating better communicationRead… Read more »

Easing Cloud Migration

This blog post is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide, the The Future of Cloud: 5 of the Latest Cloud Computing Trends in Government. Download the full guide here. The great cloud migration in government is well underway. How various government agencies support the cloud will differ depending on whether the agency is federal, state or local.Read… Read more »

Want Results? What is Your Double Helix?

Enterprise Architecture portrays technology, data, and people as functional blocks of information. As we know, “architecture” in this context derives from Zachman’s classic article. In the larger context, by definition, modern architecture represents form in terms of function. The same for “pattern.” If I may use a crude abbreviation, a “pattern language” is to “makeRead… Read more »

Stan the Man: The Voice of Technological Change in Govt

Change is never easy. We know it is inevitable and yet, it still knocks us off our feet a bit. Government has been undergoing some changes in technological procurement, innovations, and more. For some, these changes seem life altering. They may even make you feel a bit lost. But, there are some people who areRead… Read more »

Technology Infrastructure and Support at the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

What is the problem we are trying to solve? Supporting technology in a networked world is a two way activity connecting the inanimate system to the live user. Since all of the ‘things’ are connected at some point, the ability to recognize status, behavior, use and role within the technology framework becomes paramount to providingRead… Read more »

4 Signs It’s Time to Switch Your LMS

Learning Management Systems (LMS) are only growing in popularity. In fact, according to Docebo’s E-Learning Market Trends and Forecast report, the global LMS market is estimated to grow by 23% between 2017 and 2018. This strong growth can be partly attributed to the strong technological advancements and innovations of today’s systems. The LMS used toRead… Read more »

Empowering The Data You Already Have

  State and local governments are obligated to protect the vast amounts of data coming in from a variety of digital sources. As the nation’s record-keepers, these governments must decide how to combine, store, search, and analyze this data. That’s easier said than done. At GovLoop’s State and Local Tech Trends Virtual Training, we broughtRead… Read more »

A New Meaning to Innovative Thinking

A wise man, Pat McCrory, once said, “interacting with government should be as easy as checking the latest scores on the internet or even shopping online.” McCrory, governor of North Carolina (which happens to be the fourth fastest growing tech state in the country) is making his vision come true. In GovLoop’s recent State andRead… Read more »