
Should I have posted this?

My boss and I had an exchange last week that a couple hundred people overheard because it happened online: I wrote a blog about having a bad week at work, and she responded. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if her post made me feel uncomfortable or whether I was fine with it. I gaveRead… Read more »

Hug-a-Blue-Planet Day

How many blue planets do you know…and love? Today is the day to celebrate Planet Earth — the one with the atmospheric thin blue line that supports life as we know it. Earth: Thin Blue Line Pretty amazing, when you think about it. Of all the stars and all the galaxies out there, our fragileRead… Read more »

The need for social media training is larger than ever

I had the honor of chatting with the Boston SPIN group yesterday during their monthly meeting. The group, primarily engineering minded professionals, developers, QA, project managers, turned out to hear me discuss the topic of extending thought leadership positions via social media. Now, to be honest with you, I had expected to have a smallRead… Read more »

Tweeting from Frontline & ‘Jumping the Queue’ – Tonight on #localgovchat at 9 pm EST

Over the past few months, many participants in #localgovchat have suggested government agencies are ready or should at least strongly consider having their frontline staff – the ones who answer questions on the phone, at the counters and via email everyday – start tweeting to citizens as a customer service option. Why not? They apparentlyRead… Read more »

How is your government “building local community” online? Invite to Locals Online

In many cities, neighborhood councils have been established through a mix of citizen-up voluntary and government-led activities. Often established as non-profits, the resulting entities experiment with a mix of models and activities. My sense is that below the radar, often unregulated by open meeting laws or broadcast communication models, many are experimenting with social mediaRead… Read more »

Wyner & van Engers on Online Discussion Forums for eGovernment Policy Making

Dr. Adam Wyner of the University of Leeds Centre for Digital Citizenship and Professor Dr. Tom van Engers of the University of Amsterdam’s Leibniz Center for Law have posted A Framework for Enriched, Controlled, On-line Discussion Forums for eGovernment Policy Making (2010), a paper submitted for EGOV 2010. The paper arises from the EU projectRead… Read more »

Measures of Success for Social Media?

I was involved in an interesting discussion today about how the government should measure the success of social media. Just how do you measure it? Certainly, there are tried and true statistics (page hits, numbers of fans, followers, minions, etc) but that doesn’t really measure success. Is it even viable impact data? I never visitRead… Read more »

RecoveringFed writes on The Power of Pull

This is a repost from my blog About halfway through their new book The Power of Pull, John Hagel III, John Seely Brown, and Lang Davison write about how individuals can use emerging social networking capabilities to harness personally the power of pull–pull being their term for the capability of institutions and individuals toRead… Read more »