
EPA Open Government Plan is Published

EPA has posted the EPA Open Government Plan at several locations and in different formats. Additionally, we have started an Open Government Forum and an Open Government Timeline showing EPA’s history of innovations in public outreach, and milestones for the current Open Government process. EPA Open Government Page – EPA Open Government Forum –Read… Read more »

RecoveringFed writes on The Discreet Charms of the North American Knowledge Worker

This is a repost from my blog Over a very pleasant meal yesterday, my lunch partner and I began to exchange ideas about how best to manage knowledge workers. Quite a challenge, we both agreed, and leaning toward hell when you need to manage knowledge workers against a deadline. This topic deserves more carefulRead… Read more »

How can federal agencies use social media to increase civic participation?

Anna York and I have spent the last 6 months working on a report looking at how U.S. Federal Agencies can use social media to enhance civic participation. Our work focuses more on the civic participation side than the web 2.0 side, and we hope that this report will help agencies as they begin toRead… Read more »

Social Media Guidance – Section Three: Key things to consider before getting involved and useful contacts

Section Three: Key things to consider before getting involved and useful contacts Checklist of key things to consider: Do you understand and have the resources available to undertake your activity and to maintain an effective presence in your chosen social media site? Can you demonstrate a real business need to undertake this activity? Which businessRead… Read more »

Social Media Guidance – Section Two: Guidance and tips on using social media in different scenarios

Section Two: Guidance and tips on using social media in different scenarios To undertake your duties in this online space there are several different roles you may find yourself in. Sometimes these roles may be combined but more often you will be acting in a distinct capacity. Below are the types of role you mayRead… Read more »

Social Media Guidance – Section One: Personal and professional responsibilities

Section One: Personal and professional responsibilities This details personal and professional responsibilities for the participation in or use of social media as part of your job or whenever you identify yourself in a professional capacity as a DCC employee. 1. Personal use of social media Whether or not an individual chooses to create or participateRead… Read more »

Social Media Policy

Social Media Policy Devon County Council is committed to making the best use of all available technology and innovation to improve the way we do business. This includes using all reasonable and cost-effective means to improve the way we communicate, reach out and interact with the different communities we serve. ‘Social media‘ is the termRead… Read more »

Revised – Social Media Policy and Guidance

In May last year i published the councils first version of our Social Media Policy and Guidance. Since then we have reviewed them and have updated them to focus more on achieving business benefit then simply taking advantage of social media tools like twitter, facebook you tube etc. The revision is the result of additionalRead… Read more »