
Quick! Call 911 to get the 411 on 311

There is a lot of discussion about the need for governments to become more open, more transparent, sharing data with citizens. 311 services, anything considered non-critical services, are getting a lot of publicity now with Washington DC and San Francisco making big public splashes around their open 311 efforts. Vivek Kundra, Federal CIO, said thisRead… Read more »

2010 Ultimate Wave Gadgets and Robots List (Partial List)

If you need to know how to install a Goole Wave gadget extention, click here. 1. Wave with Twitter–Add [email protected] to your contact list and follow the instructions you’ll receive inside the wavelet. It uses Twitter’s oAuth mechanism to log you in. The wave with the Tweety is updated in a real time. 2. Invity-ARead… Read more »

DoD Takes On Social Media | Gets All Branches Under One Policy

The Department of Defense has implemented an encompassing “Responsible and Effective Use of Internet-based Capabilities Policy” last week to get everyone under their large umbrella on the same “social networking” use page ( As one could imagine the DoD was going to have to do something sooner than later to get the different organizations underRead… Read more »

Barriers to Adopting New Technologies In Government

Federal CIO, Vivek Kundra, describes the inefficient use of technology of federal government at a recent speech. Inefficiencies such as forms that are entered online, printed out, passed around in manila folders, and then rekeyed into another computer system. This is nothing new and federal employees are quite aware of these inefficiencies. So, why don’tRead… Read more »

Acquisition 2.0 Starts With FAR 2.0

Originally posted on BetterBlog, this official blog of the Better Buy Project. Let me first apologize to Andy Krzmarzick, as I have been promising a post on performance-based contracting and how it relates to the Better Buy Project and the Acquisition 2.0 initiative. I actually started that post, but put in on hold a bitRead… Read more »

Now playing: “This Week in Participation” (TWiP)

We’re in the process of launching “This Week in Participation” (TWiP), a new podcast slash interview series slash internet radio show on, you guessed it, participation. The first couple of episodes went live earlier this week: TWiP 1: Urgent Evoke (11 minutes) TWiP 2: Crowdstorming (14 minutes) The format is pretty casual. WeRead… Read more »

Kudos to Michigan

Yesterday, the State of Michigan rolled out a major update to the portal. CIO Ken Theis, quoted in Government Technology magazine, suggests, “Visitors to the site can [now] access five times the amount of information without leaving the home page. It’s a more useful and pleasing site and it positions Michigan with one ofRead… Read more »

2010 Legislative Session in Utah

Each year, our legislative session is a real event. For many state leaders, much of what they normally do is temporarily put aside while they collaborate and work on the issues associated with budgeting and bill-making. I’m actually glad to see our legislature more engaged and interested in the issues associated with digital government. ThisRead… Read more »