
The Necessity of Network Modernization: The Technology Behind $7 Billion in Savings

Network modernization is more than a buzzword. It is a real, mission-critical endeavor central to the goals of every federal agency. It is also one that, if left ignored, will have huge ramifications. Federal networks are in need of a major overhaul. Emerging technologies like cloud computing, big data, the Internet of Things, and mobilityRead… Read more »

Big Changes Are Coming to Federal IT — Are you Ready?

Change isn’t easy, especially when people are involved. It gets even harder when you add to that mix more than $80 billion worth of information technology resources — scattered across multiple program offices, bureaus and departments. That’s how government has operated for decades. But sweeping reforms passed by Congress in December call for an endRead… Read more »

How Gov Can Deliver Better Care

According to the Congressional Budget Office, spending on health accounts for nearly 27 percent of the US federal budget. On the state level, a similarly large portion of budgets is dedicated to Medicaid spending. While those staggering numbers highlight a large expense for government, they also represent a large opportunity to cut costs. And accordingRead… Read more »

Your Most Important Portfolio isn’t your Financial Portfolio…

When people hear the word “portfolio,” too often they immediately begin to see dollar signs. With Wallstreet garnering attention from news headlines to Hollywood films, it is understandable. However, your Financial Portfolio isn’t your organization’s most important portfolio. That honor resides with your IT Portfolio.

DorobekINSIDER: VA deputy CIO Warren leaving

Stephen Warren, who has served as the deputy chief information officer for the Department of Veterans Affairs for more than seven years, will step down from that post later this month, GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER has learned. LaVerne Council, the new VA CIO, made the announcement in an e-mail to staff on Thursday. Warren is known forRead… Read more »

Zero to ‘Secure’ in 60 Seconds: 3 Tips for Using Agile Security to Create a Security Posture

You’re hired…. Now ‘do’ security! That’s a common challenge to information security professionals hired into an organization that previously had not staffed security positions.  Daily breach headlines, and evolving threats, can make the pursuit of a security program the equivalent of a game of ‘Whack-a-Mole’.  After spending a few years in the security consulting arenaRead… Read more »

3 Tricks to Implementing DevOps

It’s no secret that budgets for IT in the government are shrinking every year. But at the same time it’s imperative that agencies find ways via technology to deliver their mission to the people more effectively and efficiently. But how? DevOps, the new way of thinking about software development, is helping agencies achieve their ITRead… Read more »