
Public servants: What are you broadcasting via social media?

It seems we’re regularly being served additional reminders about the way we sometimes use social messaging to our detriment, and with increasing frequency, how it is sometimes being used against us. Consider the Janine Krieber kerfuffle, where the wife of former Canadian Liberal Party leader Stephane Dion criticized the current state of the party inRead… Read more »

[Video] AFL-CIO President Trumka Speaks to AFGE About TSA As the only union to represent Transportation Security Administration (TSA) employees since the agency’s inception and with 12,000 dues-paying TSO members, AFGE is THE union of choice for TSOs. Listen to a special message from AFL-CIO President Trumka in the video.

Project of the Week: and “The Citizen Initiator”

We in the States know how a new government with new ideas about transparency and new technology to implement them can make a difference in public perception. Other nations’ new governments are taking a lesson from our shores, and experiencing positive feedback as a result. But is this kind of foray into participatory democracy reallyRead… Read more »

So what is this #localgovchat thingy anyway?

So what exactly is #localgovchat and what do we hope to accomplish? As you can see from our first post, we want to start what we hope to be an ongoing, open dialogue between local government communicators – public relations, community outreach, webmasters, graphic designers – in hopes of sharing ideas, our successes and ourRead… Read more »

Crowdsourcing: Win-Win or Lose-Lose

One of the more popular social activities between companies andconsumers is crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing is relatively straightforward:It’s the online distribution of certain tasks to crowds of experts andenthusiasts. Companies use this activity to connect their brands closer totheir consumers. Involving them to the point where they almost takeownership of the brand. For recruitment agendas it isRead… Read more »

GovLoop to participate in Open City Workshop

Many of us Gov2 enthusiasts are passionate about discussing what it means to have an Open Government. I’m privileged to be living in a region where many great things are happening and as we all know, talk is great, action is better. This coming Saturday, the City of Edmonton in Alberta, Canada will be hostingRead… Read more »

Make the 1st BlackBerry FAR App, Get $500

The Problem: The FAR is a pain to access by BlackBerry. The Solution: $500 of my own money will be awarded to whomever creates the first BlackBerry app that fulfills 4 simple, key requirements. The Requirements: (1) Be downloadable on the most common BlackBerry models, (2) be able to access or download the entire FAR,Read… Read more »