
David Frum is “Totally Against Transparency”

I must say, as a media stakeholder, I am outraged at David Frum editor of the Frum Forum, who speaking this morning on CNN about the Health care Summit indicated that he is “totally against transparency.” If David’s statement is not challenged, then David just got free air time to minimize all of the effortsRead… Read more »

Malamud on @ Berkman Center

Carl Malamud of Public.Resource.Org discusses the legal open government data project, in an interview podcast with David Weinberger of Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society. Here is the abstract: This week we sit down with Carl Malamud, who with the group is pushing to put law in the public domain. We coveredRead… Read more »

Battle RATS and Quiet Helicopters

Sterling Whitehead is a Contract Specialist, Acquisition Freak and loves Star Wars way too much. He also publishes a blog called All Things Sterling. Want to give our boys on the ground the best weapons, but want them to be affordable? Well, here are a few things that will peak your interest. Battle RATS ThisRead… Read more »

Meeting people where they are, the State Department does it right

I chatted with Bill May, the State Department Director of the Office of Innovative Engagement, on Friday. The State Department is on the leading edge of collaboration, of social media, understanding the need to balance engagement, transparency, security, and common sense. As expected, Bill understands all of this well, businesses and other agencies can learnRead… Read more »

DoD Publishes a Common Sense Approach to Social Media

The long awaited Department of Defense Social Media policy was announced with much fanfare Friday and it is an incredibly well thought out common sense approach that has public affairs officers world wide rejoicing. It has been a long time coming for the evangelists of new media in the ranks who have been battling forRead… Read more »

Enterprise 2.0: What’s In It For Us?

While many Internet companies are still trying to figure out how to make money with Web 2.0, where it’s really taking off is the enterprise. Often referred to as Enterprise 2.0, this is the sweet spot for businesses – using social technology to empower your existing employees. Social applications let employees connect across organizations, andRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Postmaster general addresses postal misconceptions

Postmaster General John E. Potter defends the U.S. Postal Service against some of its biggest misconceptions in Sunday’s Washington Post, just days before the nation’s mail service is expected to outline significant changes in its business plan. “Tough technology and market conditions are creating new challenges for our business,” Potter writes for Sunday’s Post OutlookRead… Read more » | Post Status Updates to Twitter at Your Own Risk #safety #crime

Neither Mashable nor are fresh on the scene with the common sense notion that criminals are just now getting active in social networking. Criminals have been using social networking sites as a form of communication in their criminal enterprises as well as a place to cultivate job leads (crime leads for those who didRead… Read more »

DOD Releases Gov 2.0 Policy for Responsible and Effective Use of Internet-Based Capabilities

Congratulations to all the people inside and outside of DoD and government service who brought us to this point. Following is the news release from the DoD’s press room and a link to the full memo. DOD Releases Policy for Responsible and Effective Use of Internet-Based Capabilities Today the Department of Defense released a policyRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Hundreds of stimulus recipients haven’t reported on money’s whereabouts

An anti-hunger nonprofit based in the District, Queen Anne’s County in Maryland and a Virginia dredging company are among 389 recipients of federal stimulus dollars that have failed to report on the whereabouts of more than $55 million in economic stimulus funding, federal watchdogs said Thursday. The total amounts to less than 2 percent ofRead… Read more »