
Mecklenburg County eGovernment Strategic Plan

Last week I shared Mecklenburg County’s Social Media Strategy, which is really a document related to our overall eGovernment Strategic Plan. The link to the eGov plan is provided with this blog post, and you are welcome to use any or all of the content. (And, if by chance, we have plaigerized anything, it wasRead… Read more »

Open Gov Dashboard

With the addition of the Open Gov Dashboard @, it got me thinking. This dashboard is great to tell us where the agencies are in terms of meeting the OGD criteria. What I would like to know (maybe I just haven’t found it), is…what are examples of agencies far exceeding expectations? I would likeRead… Read more »

Best Practice – CDC Social Media Tools Guidelines

CDC Social Media Tools Guidelines & Best Practices The use of social media tools is a powerful channel to reach target audiences with strategic, effective and user-centric health interventions. To assist in the planning, development and implementation of social media activities, the following guidelines have been developed to provide critical information on lessons learned, bestRead… Read more »

How-To: Find a Mentor

Originally published in Federal Times Lily Whiteman February 8, 2010 Remember that reassuring line “I’m on your side” from the Simon & Garfunkel song, “Bridge Over Troubled Water”? Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone on your side at work — someone who would be willing and eager to offer you professional advice — aRead… Read more »


Many IT projects suffer from a lack of clear understanding of how to best motive desired user behavior. People often use terms like “carrots and sticks”, “ensure compliance”, moving people along the “commitment curve”, and “What’s In It For Me (WIIFM)”, but they typically do not understand the fundamental nature of these terms and theirRead… Read more »

FY 2011 Budget on a Wiki?

Does anyone know if the FY 11 budget was worked on a wiki again? I remember reading an article a couple years in the Post about working the budget on a wiki. The wiki I use at work is still facing oppostion 2 years later. Although most get it. I’d like to get a littleRead… Read more »

Is Government a Partner with Private Sector Initiatives for Change?

This past weekend I had the good fortune to attend an un-conference on Social Media, Collaboration and Social Enterprise. It was great to be around my peers from other sectors.The government sector is rarely at this table as a partner. I think this is a problem.There is a convergence of thinking and emerging collective intelligenceRead… Read more »

Amver, there’s an app for that!

Are you trying to keep track of the rescue news, blog posts, Twitter stream, and other social media products Amver dishes out to you? No need to worry because today we announce the launch of our application on iTunes! Compatible with the iPhone and soon to be released iPad, the Amver app combines our blogRead… Read more »

Private & Public Abundance: The Fuel Behind the United States’ 20th-Century Rise

I just returned from a (smooth and perfect) two-weeks cross country trip through Panama, my home country. The trip had multiple purposes including reconnecting with parts of the country I had not visited in over 15 years. But, an unexpected result from this much planned journey came from an unlikely source. While driving to theRead… Read more »