
USAJobs Finally Gets a Web 2.0 Facelift is the federal government’s official job board where all federal government employment opportunities are posted. For the past four or so years, this site has been the go-to for jobseekers looking to become feds. However, the user experience has been pretty lacking. Many jobseekers become frustrated with the user interface and then even moreRead… Read more »

What is the Crowdsourcing recipe for success?

While our livelihood at PubliVate revolves around crowdsourcing (or ideation, innovation management, idea sourcing, idea collection…would be good to land on a common title…part of the growing up process, I suppose), it has been fascinating over the last few years to watch the area evolve. A central focus for us from our earliest days hasRead… Read more »

DoD Deputy CIO on Secure Information Sharing

Today on Federal Executive Forum, Dave Wennergren, Deputy CIO, Office of the Secretary of Defense, shared his views on secure information sharing. Mr. David M. Wennergren serves as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Information Management, Integration and Technology / Deputy Chief Information Officer, providing top-level advocacy in creating a unified information managementRead… Read more »

Towards a More Transparent and Collaborative Government: One Year In

The other day I was having lunch with Rich Dougherty, the CEO of Expert Choice, a collaboration software company in Arlington, VA that is a client of mine. We were discussing the trends towards a more transparent and collaborative federal government. I decided to record it with my iPhone and turn it into an interview.Read… Read more »

Examples of Twitter use by Mecklenburg County

I had a few inquiries about Mecklenburg County’s Twitter use, so thought I’d post examples – @MeckCounty The County Manager recently visited the Thomasboro Community of Shalom seeking feedback on the upcoming county budget: (Ties in with our use of a Mecklenburg YouTube channel.) @meckhealth Save the date. Mecklenburg County Public Health Forum HealthyRead… Read more »


Many IT implementations suffer from poor user adoption because they did not take into account the barriers to user adoption that lie outside the users’ control. If we want to maximize user adoption, we need to take a comprehensive approach to identifying and removing barriers to adoption. Read the full blog post on: