

Many IT implementations suffer from poor user adoption because they did not take into account the barriers to user adoption that lie outside the users’ control. If we want to maximize user adoption, we need to take a comprehensive approach to identifying and removing barriers to adoption. Read the full blog post on:

The Open Government Directive & Accessibility Shortcomings

After reading GCN’s article ‘GSA takes a fast, free approach to Web dialogue tool‘ I decided to take a look at the tool in question, IdeaScale, to see what the buzz was all about. The article explains that GSA joins several Federal departments/agencies already using IdeaScale including the White House, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), andRead… Read more »

HOW to unlock programs, financials, databases, etc without passcodes/ passwords/user names???

Historically, usernames and passwords are the most common form of authenticating computer users. They are also both the worst management headache for IT staff and the biggest network security hole in existence. Many help desks handle more password related calls than any other category. Users routinely share their passwords with one another. We have passwordsRead… Read more »

How-To: Do Research on Government 2.0 Using Social Media

[Note: This was originally posted to my blog 7/10/09] Just to be clear, this is not an abstract example. While I employ this methodology for a number of communities and topics, the one I will use as an illustration here is what is generally referred to as “Government 2.0”. Also, you may notice that thisRead… Read more »

Benlamri et al. on Secure Human Face Authentication for Mobile E-government Transactions

Professor Rachid Benlamri of the Lakehead University Department of Software Engineering, and colleagues, have published Secure Human Face Authentication for Mobile E-government Transactions, 8 International Journal of Mobile Communications 71 (2010). Here is the abstract: This paper describes a joint biometric-cryptographic authentication system for mobile e-government transactions. The system can be used to verify, prove,Read… Read more »