
Synergy with

I just found out about the website, and noticed that they have a Government Agencies section. This brings up a general case about how an increasing number of like-minded communities will have areas of overlap. One of the intriguing aspects of the Web 2.0 technologies is that they provide an alternative to theRead… Read more »

Pushing the Government Send Button – Risk in the face of social media

t has been fascinating to watch governments – particularly in Canada – grapple with the risk paradigm. The worry is all too real, unfortunately, that interacting and sharing of their expertise and experience could land a leader on the front fold of the newspaper or silently put a clerk or policy analyst into a box.Read… Read more »

On Birth and Extintion of Digital Ecosystems

Our increasing participatory and interactive behavior in the Internet is evolving at such speed that our metamorphosis into digital species feels like it is happening overnight. We are collectively developing all sorts of digital ecosystems and new market laws where things are moving so fast that marketers have little time to find out what areRead… Read more »

Don’t Forget Your Mission (or your /mission)

I’m a big fan of the Open Government Directive that recently came out of the Obama Administration. I’ve spent the past 10 years of my life trying to help government improve transparency, participation, and collaboration, and this Directive speaks to what I care about and what my company, GovDelivery, has been trying to facilitate. We’reRead… Read more »

Share you PIV LACS experience

I am trying to establish a network of government employees tasked with implementing Logical Access Control (LACS) with HSPD-12 PIV cards. I would like this network to share lessons learned in implemenations and technical information on the configuration, testing and support of these solutions. If you are interested in contributing please let me know.

Edmonton, Canada goes transparent via data API’s!

On Wednesday, January 13, the city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada went live with their data catalog. provides REST-based access to their data. So for you application writers, no more need to download and maintain data. Edmonton’s data catalog is a great example of cloud computing in government. It runs on Windows Azure, using anRead… Read more »

Quick Tip – Sneak a Peak at a Current Fed’s Salary

From Quick Tip – Sneak a Peak at a Current Fed’s Salary You can look up the salary of any employee of a federal agency on the “Gannett Searchable Database” of federal employee salaries at (Note that salaries cited at this site are usually one or two years behind – and so doRead… Read more »

4 Cities and County Team up for Mobile Gov2.0 App

The cities of Arvada, Geneva, Manor, Rockwall and Mecklenburg County have teamed up with DotGov, Inc. to participate in a unique innovation project. The goal of the project is to develop an iPhone Application, which will offer citizens mobile access to city & county services and information. You can participate by sharing your best ideasRead… Read more »