
Why are violent crime rates falling? We Want Your Opinion

Gentlereaders: This is the title of an editorial in the Washington Post on Saturday, January 2, 2010. And as you can see from the national statistic on the bottom half of this article, crime is indeed down and down considerably. There are two thoughts that come to our minds when discussing the decline if crime.Read… Read more »

Great insights from the Massachusetts Governor’s Office on Using Social Media

When I ask those in Government what models they follow for Open Government I regularly hear Massachusetts, and the Governor’s office in particular. I reached out to the Brad Blake, Director, New Media & Online Strategy for the Governor, and he was kind enough to spend a lot of time responding to these questions. WhileRead… Read more »

Mainframe Disaster Recovery without Tape

Interesting article. This is part 3 in a series on Mainframe DR from the Govplace blog. This article deals specifically with “the challenges of mainframe DR” and provides tactical recommendations. Let me know your thoughts?

Project of the Week: MLK Technology Challenge (#MLKTech)

Everyone has a wish list – we know that many schools have tech wish lists – nagging projects that just never seem to get completed; or fun, new and innovative projects that you need just a bit more capacity to get off the ground. The MLK Tech Challenge is here to help. The aim isRead… Read more »

Its not just about technology – its also very much about organisational structure

If you are a long serving computing practitioner who has been through mainframes in data centres to mini computers in departmental computing and then to PC Networks and IT you might just recall hearing about Conway’s Law. Well its coming back again as we move into Clouds! Melvin Conway thesis that gave birth toRead… Read more »

What is Your Video SEO Strategy?

Even with my recent blog posts about the social media landscape, said landscape continues to morph at warp speed and we are seeing more and more videos everywhere; on business sites, news pages, personal websites, video hosting sites, mobile devices, social networks, blogs, cell phones, email and postings to video portals, and posting for clients.AsRead… Read more »

FDA Basics Webinar

Do you and your readership have questions for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)? The FDA is pleased to announce the availability of a new Web resource, FDA Basics, which answers your questions and discusses other important public health topics in a useful and user-friendly format. The tool answers questions such as: * HowRead… Read more »

US DOT and Second Life: “Transportation Nation” Island

My government 2.0 worlds just collided this morning. I participated in the Transportation Research Board’s Annual Meeting yesterday and am now at the Open Government Directive Workshop Series. One of the presenters at the OGD event was Adam Schlicht of DOT, who highlighted DOT’s Second Life island called “Transportation Nation.” I found one of hisRead… Read more »