
Wanted: cities and counties for co-creation of Gov2.0 iPhone App

DotGov, inc. is currently developing a Gov2.0 mobile platform for iPhone, Android and Blackberry. This innovative mobile app will bring your city/county services to the mobile phones of your citizens. We are looking for 5 local government organizations to participate in the creation process. Who can apply? We would like to invite 3 towns orRead… Read more »

Government Use of Tweetstreams

I just had an interesting discussion with several people, including privacy officers and ethics people revolving around the use of a Federal agency using/repurposing tweets and any potential privacy issues involved with doing so. Things seem a little unresolved and further discussion will be happening, but I’m hoping the GovLoop community can help address someRead… Read more »

My Twitter Senate Experiment: Overview

First off, I believe in the potential of the open government initiative, government 2.0, whatever you wish to call it. My goal is simple, to baseline where we are in terms of basic social engagement at one of the highest levels of our government… The Senate. Here is my approach, for better or for worse:Read… Read more »

Will politicians understand that Twitter is not for one-way social interaction?

Business leaders are often far ahead of Federal-level public officials, at least in my personal experience, in understanding the use of social media strategies, tactics, and tools. I read this post, a scorecard of sorts, of government 2.0 from a “joe-average-citizen” perspective. Good post, worth a read. Understand this, there are plenty of politically activeRead… Read more »

Challenge to Put Your Desktop Into the Cloud in Support of the Open Government Directive and

My suggestion for a “silo busting and brilliant innovation in 2010” is to put your desktop into the cloud in support of the Open Government Directive and For more details see the following: and the recent press at:

Curso Introducción al Derecho de Acceso a la Información Pública

Este ano 2010 sera el de la consolidación de este importante movimiento del OpenGov, el espaldarazo que la administración Obama dio con la publicación del Open Government Iniciative a finales del 2009 sera un trampolín para este concepto que viene tomando cuerpo en las sociedades democráticas gracias al momento histórico que viven las tecnologías deRead… Read more »

The (Im)Balance of Social Forces – Part One

We are experiencing impacting social imbalances everywhere. This is simply exemplified by the following partial list of events that happened during the last weeks: • The Climate Conference in Copenhagen (to me, an anticlimactic event) • The Healthcare Bill Showdown (to me, more of a giving-in event) • The Unemployment End of Year reports (thingsRead… Read more »