
How-To: Use Yahoo Pipes to pull multiple websites (or RSS feeds) into one usable RSS Feed

I thought this to be a fitting post for all of the geeky ones here on GovLoop and was originally written for So you’re a prolific blogger of many things Coast Guard, social media, and other things- and an avid commenter all over the internet. You’re clearly one who gets around voicing your opinionsRead… Read more »

Following Your Employees on Twitter

For those of you that run official government Twitter accounts, do you also follow your employees’ personal twitter accounts from your official one? Some businesses in the private sector follow their own employees. This helps with the idea of being more transparent and open. However, with government accounts are there any downsides to do so?Read… Read more »

Budgeteers Unite! Rockstar Budget and Program Analysts Lead the Way to Gov 2.0

Did you know GovLoop has a group called “Budgeteers”? It was created by the American Association for Budget and Program Analysis (AABPA) to gather practitioners and academics in the fields of budget and program analysis. They held an event today at the Capital Hilton in Washington, DC, under the theme, “Budgeting in a Changing Environment:Read… Read more »

US Department of Labor Employees Meet Each Other (and US!) on Facebook

(Originally post on on, November 23, 2009) “We’re All Doing It” Last month the US Department of Labor (DOL) launched a Facebook page. Other federal agencies maintain them too, but DOL hasn’t really been out-front in implementing the Administration’s early commitment to communication, transparency, and participation. While Facebook is just one means of demonstratingRead… Read more »

Diversifying Your ^Digital Portfolio

I just read a post on GovLoop about having to find a balancing act between your work and home lives and it got me thinking more about this with my own life. Now, I’m not a financial planner/money guy, but when it comes to your investment portfolio, you’re often told to diversify in order toRead… Read more »

Code for America hopes to give dot-gov some caché

Coming out of last week’s Web 2.0 Expo in New York City, the industry buzz was focused on the usual – cloud computing, social networking, and what to do with the latest Google innovation. But one catchy hook caught the ears of a few reporters: dot-gov is the new dot-com. One project announced during theRead… Read more »


Those who follow us on Facebook and Twitter probably know that we are participating in Tweetsgiving. We have sponsored some great prizes for the Richmond celebration. What is Tweetsgiving? Check out the details on their website. Basically it is social media for social good. Last year all of the funds were donated to support aRead… Read more »