Don’t Rip and Replace. Virtualize Your Data
It is said that “knowledge is power.” But today, government agencies have to contend with a massively growing volume of data that can get in the way of actionable, mission-focused knowledge.
It is said that “knowledge is power.” But today, government agencies have to contend with a massively growing volume of data that can get in the way of actionable, mission-focused knowledge.
When cracking passwords becomes as difficult as cracking keys, then passwords will be secure. When it comes to security implementations, there is a big difference between the theoretical and the practical. In the theoretical world all algorithms work flawlessly, there are no infrastructure vulnerabilities, and security protects against every attack. However, in the real worldRead… Read more »
Good: Big data. The Cloud. Information economy. Internet of Things. Medical advances. Engaged citizens. Crowdfunding. 3D printing. Crowdsourcing. Co-creation. Co-production. Open source. Open government. Smart cars. Bad: Identity theft. Big Brother. Phishing. Spyware. Malware. Spam. Zombie computers. Key logging. Hackers. Pharming. 419s . Social isolation. Marginalization. Privacy breaches. SkyNet. Sorry about that last one –Read… Read more »
This post is an excerpt from our recent guide, Agile, DevOps & More: How to Succeed at Government Project Management. To download the guide for free, head here. Is your organization ready for the application economy? That’s the question CA Technologies wants the public sector to be asking itself. To learn more about what the applicationRead… Read more »
Combine smartphones, robots, and a little R.C. car action, then take the result to air and you’ve got drones. Chances are, you’ve already been wowed by eye-in-the-sky drone footage. Perhaps you’ve been gobsmacked by the video showing the extent of the Nepal earthquake damage in Kathmandu or the one of the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong. Or maybe you’ve simply delightedRead… Read more »
More than 20 years ago, then-Sen. William S. Cohen issued an investigative report billed as “Computer Chaos: Billions Wasted on Federal Computer Systems.” That report spurred the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996, which created the role of agency chief information officers in the hopes of improving how government spends billions of dollars on information technology. InRead… Read more »
The Tech Loop is a weekly compilation of the latest happenings in government technology gathered from around the web. This week’s topics include cybersecurity, digital services, and big data. Cybersecurity Love is in the air. Everybody wants some Silicon Valley love. A week after DoD announced it would open an office in the Valley, theRead… Read more »
Pictured: RFP-EZ, a pilot project in federal IT procurement. If you’re a follower of the Department of Better Technology and our blog, you know that we’re a bit obsessed about government procurement – in fact, some of our most widely-shared posts have been on the subject. But when Clay and I first met in 2012 during ourRead… Read more »
There are many privacy and security compliances designed to protect customer and company data across a variety of industries. What do they mean exactly, and how can organizations secure their websites accordingly?
TechStat provides a solution-oriented approach to technical issues by leveraging best-practice research and open communications between functions that better serve OCTO, its sister agencies, and residents of the city.