
A Public Sector Where Digital Natives Thrive

Cross-posted with permission from TheConnectedRepublic – Digital Natives (people who have grown up in a connected world) have different attitudes, approaches and habits than those in preceding generations and will soon be a major part of society’s workforce. How does the public sector need to change to attract these people and provide them withRead… Read more »

No More “Social” Media: It’s Knowledge Media

NOTE: Originally published on July 24, 2009, I am re-posting since there is new energy surrounding this subject. What are your thoughts? —————————————- In light of the conversations and content of the Open Government and Innovations conference as well as my ongoing attempts to serve as a social media evangelist in agencies, I had anRead… Read more »

Social Media Policy – Part 9 – Productivity and Impact of Misuse

Productivity Social media tools can be valuable resources when used for work-related activities, but inappropriate use of these tools can be a drain on employer resources. Therefore, if an employer supports the use of social media tools during work hours, then that employer’s social media policy should include a reminder to employees that their useRead… Read more »

Facebook | How Police Can Use As A Social Media Tool

Facebook is an extremely powerful social media community that has become larger than I am sure many Facebook executives would admit they thought was possible. Facebook had over 2.5 billion visits last month (10/2009), which is quite stunning. There are millions of people visiting Facebook billions of times a month to communicate with each other,Read… Read more »

First Experience with YouTube Caption Uploads

Yesterday, Google put out a post about the new beta caption upload feature in YouTube. This morning, I decided to put it to the test with all of the videos that we’ve uploaded to our USGS YouTube Channels. Overall, I’m pretty impressed with how the captions have been synced. The files I uploaded were text-onlyRead… Read more »

Spires Takes Control as CIO at DHS Editor: Tom Temin How do you get your arms around 79 IT projects, each of which is large enough to have its own Exhibit 300 justification? For Richard Spires, the new CIO at the Homeland Security Department, you do it one project at a time. It matters, because DHS has something of a reputationRead… Read more »

One Year, Thousands of GovTwits

Today marks the one year anniversary of the GovTwit directory. Started as a simple blog post listing about 150 IDs, the directory now contains over 2,500 names of agencies and individuals in the public sector who are using Twitter to share information and ideas about critical issues facing government. In the past year we’ve seenRead… Read more »

How does the Muslim World view us? Here is the best answer you will find anywhere!

The National Homeland Defense Foundation, founded by Gen Ed Eberhart in 2002 (he was the NORAD commander in Cheyenne Mountain on duty during 9/11 and my boss) has posted full Symposium VII content on their web site. In this video, Ms Zainab Al-Suwaij, Executive Director, American Islamic Congress provides a frank answer. The last questionRead… Read more »

City of Manor, Texas Reaches The White House

I’m honored to report that the City of Manor’s open innovation platform, Manor Labs, is being featured on the White House blog at Innovation is possible even in small cities with very small budgets. I hope that we can work with more cities to innovate new solutions for the public-sector. You can keep upRead… Read more »